Classroom News

Room 12
We met Pete Persistence who read us a story about a giraffe who persisted to learn how to dance. We thought about what we can’t do YET and are going to practice and never give up until we reach our goals.
We made a respect tree with drawings of how to show respect at school and home. We also read a story about friendships and made hearts showing how to be a good friend.
Room 3
During the first couple of weeks we have been spending a lot of time learning about each other and getting to know all the new school routines! We had a class discussion about ‘what we want to be when we grow up’. It was fantastic to hear all the different jobs the students are interested in. We had many doctors, policemen, hairdressers, truck drivers and so many more. It was great for the students to find out that they had similar interests to others in the class.
We have also been looking at Kelso’s Wheel of Choice and the “Can do it” program. This has been great in teaching students how to be independent problem solvers and also knowing when they need help from an adult to solve any big problems. Our “Can do it” program has also made a huge impact on students feeling confidence to have a go, which has been great to see!
“When I grow up I want to be a fisherman and a miner”. – Callum
“When I grow up I want to be a freight train driver”. – Morgan
“When I grow up I want to be a hairdresser” – Mattie
“When I grow up I want to be a hairdresser” - Abbie
Geography in Room 22
This week we had our first Geography lesson to find out what students already know about Australia. We were asked to make the shape of Australia using a cookie! It was tricky and we had some interesting shapes but we all had fun. We then had to use an Atlas to find and label all of Australia’s states and territories.
Room 26
"Room 26 was learning to work together to overcome obstacles" and "Save Fred".
This was one of our get to know you activities that involved cooperation and team work!"
Room 20
In order to set ourselves up for great learning this year, Room 20 have been learning about the different dispositions and mindsets that help us in being successful learners. We have read books and watched short clips and then talked about how students can demonstrate a growth mindset. Here are some of our thoughts…
Room 30
Room 30 has had a wonderful start to 2018, with three new students to the school Harry, Akaylah and Marshall settling in nicely. We have spent the past two weeks getting to know each other, embracing the new Levelled Behavior Scheme and reconfirming our commitment to the Largs Bay School values.
Students are developing a positive mindset, with the Year 6/7’s challenging themselves with Jo Boaler’s “A Week of Inspirational Maths”. Curriculum in other areas has begun with students looking at Migration in HASS and Extreme Environments in Science. Literacy is taking on a new look this year too, with learning tailored to individual student’s needs.
There has also been plenty of opportunity for fun, heading down to the Largs Bay Jetty for a morning on the beach and special time spent with our Buddy Class Room 3. Room 30 is looking forward to a year of inspirational learning and positive growth in The Quad.