Achievement Awards

Name Room Reason
Oliver 3 for always being a kind and respectful member of the class.
Mattie 3 for always being a caring and respectful member of the class.
Declan G 4 for being a kind and respectful member of our class.
Imogen F 4 for being a caring and respectful member of our class.
Ryan S 5 For being a responsible class member and making positive choices.
Charlotte C 5 For being a responsible class member and making positive choices.
Bailey B 5a For being a responsible class member and making positive choices.
Lucy S 5a For always being a caring and respectful member of the class.
Charlie M 10 For being a respectful and kind class member
Evelyn 10 For demonstrating responsibility within our class and taking ownership of your learning
Mj 11 for demonstrating responsibility with settling in to his new school
Ellie M 11 for demonstrating persistence and having a growth mindset in all learning areas
Tane 12 for demonstrating respect towards his peers and teacher by using kind and encouraging words
Amelia M 12 for demonstrating persistence and having a growth mindset in all learning areas
Tilly 13 for being a responsible class member and helping others
Lachlan M 13 for respecting others and our classroom.
Axston G 14 for always being a kind and respectful member of the class.
Tahlia 14 for demonstrating persistence and having a growth mindset in all learning areas
Tyreece 16 for always being a kind and respectful member of the classroom.
Olivia C 16 for continuing to be responsible for her learning choices.
Bethany C 17 for always being a kind and respectful member of the class.
Ethan 17 for demonstrating persistence in all learning areas
Ari 19 for always displaying high levels of responsibility
Beth 19 for always displaying high levels of responsibility in her learning choices
Liam 20 for showing persistence in following classroom routines and expectations
Logan 20 for always being a kind and respectful member of the classroom.
Will 22 for always being persistent and having a Growth Mindset in all areas of learning
Ava 22 for settling into the school and classroom and always showing the school values
Jet 23 for being persistent and having a growth mindset towards all his school work
Zahra S 23 for showing respect to all her peers and teachers
Layla 26 for always displaying high levels of responsibility in her learning choices
Liam T 26 for demonstrating persistence and having a growth mindset in all Word Study
Ryusho M 27 for demonstrating persistence and demonstrating a growth mindset as he settles in to a new school
Ava M 27 for always being a kind and respectful member of the class.
Isaac R 29 for always displaying high levels of responsibility
Seavy 29 for being a highly responsible class member
Marshall 30 for demonstrating persistence and demonstrating a growth mindset as he settles in to a new school
Ashleigh 30 for always being kind and considerate towards other class members
Harrison 31 For his contributions to class discussion and showing respect towards his peers and teachers
Shakaya 31 For demonstrating outstanding effort and persistence in her artwork
Jackson 32 For demonstrating all of the school values.
Caitlin 32 For demonstrating all of the school values.
Bertie 33 For demonstrating persistence with his learning and striving to improve
Jasmin 33 For always showing responsibility and being a kind class member
Indonesian Room 33 for great examples and contributions to discussions about our LBS values
STEM Room 20 For being creative designers and showing respect.
Music Room 16 For excellent focus and respect for two consecutive weeks
PE Room 20 For showing respect
Health Room 5 For showing persistence with their work and showing enthusiasm during lessons.
Golden Bin Award Rooms 3 & 13 Cleanest area in the school
OSHC Amelia L, Room 4 -For being a great big buddy to the new receptions.