Library News

From The Library
Book Week, organised by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA), is an annual event which highlights the importance of reading and draws on the joy of stories and the creativity of Australian books.
The 2018 theme is ‘Find your treasure’. The books we treasure as children often remain treasures to us as adults. The stories we read transported us from our reality to a place of imagination and possibility.
Walt Disney once said “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates’ loot on Treasure Island.”
Our Tuesday craft activities are based around this theme and this year’s short listed picture books.
We have created a treasure chest from which the library will run a competition during Book Week for students to guess how many books are in the chest.
Another activity involved students creating an imaginary garden. This was based on the short listed book ‘Hark it’s me, Ruby Lee’ by Lisa Shanahan and Binny.
We are also running a colouring competition.
Book Week is August 18th - 24th
Mrs Wood and Mrs Sal
Lunchtime Crafts
Enchanted Gardens
This weeks lunchtime craft was inspired by the book, ‘Hark It’s Me’ by Ruby Lee.
The students did a wonderful job of creating their own little flower gardens made from air clay, beads, glitter and pipe cleans.