Student Wellbeing

From The Wellbeing Team
English 101 – Leadership and Mentoring Program
This term our Year 10 leaders have been supporting newly arrived international students with their spoken English skills. Our Year 10 leaders participated in training with Monash University and have been able to develop their cross-cultural communication and mentoring skills. This program is held at lunchtimes on Wednesdays and involves interactive games and activities. Well done to our Year 10 leaders for participating in this program.
LGBTI/Inclusive Youth Ambassadors Program
The LGBTI/Inclusive Youth Ambassadors Program commenced last Thursday with the support of the Greater Dandenong Youth Services. This program aims to equip students with the skills to recognise and challenge discrimination, and provide them with the opportunity to help create a safe, more inclusive school environment. These sessions will cover the following: identity and belonging, gender, sexuality and the LGBTIQ experience, recognising and challenging discrimination and strategies to promote inclusion.
Activities at Greater Dandenong Youth and Family Services:
- IMPACT – provides young people with an opportunity to learn about volunteering opportunities in their area. It involves visiting local organisations, gaining hands on volunteer experience and developing their skills. Dates: Monday 1 October, Wednesday 3 October, Friday 5th October. Ages 16-25 years.
- Unite Alliance – connect with other young people to develop projects that reduce discrimination and inequality and create events in your local community. Contact GDYS on 9793 2155 to register. Ages 12-25 years.
- Freeza Committee – Meet new people and gain skills in event planning and technical production and recording. Held on Thursdays 4:30pm – 6:30pm. Contact GDYS on 9793 2155 to register. Ages 12-25 years.
Lunch time activities: Year 7 – Year 9
- Every Tuesday lunchtime in J Block, Year 7-Year 9 students can play board games and activities with Youth Worker, Isaac Mead from The Salvation Army.
- Every Friday lunchtime in the small gym Year 7 – Year 9 students can participate in the 180 program, play big group games and connect with each other.
Ms Caitlin Hallett