Prep Report


Welcome back Prep students and families! We are really thrilled to be back at school and excited about the learning that will take place this Term.  



Guess what is happening next Thursday? BOOKWEEK! We are really looking forward to Book Week this Term which will be happening on Thursday 22nd October 2020 (so Prep students get your costumes ready!).

In Term 4, we will be focusing on books that are about 'experiences and events' to link with our Writing topic of Recounts. We will be using Big Books, Picture Story Books and Interactive resources that will be engaging and interesting for the students to read. We will be building on the students Independent Reading skills, allowing time each day for students to read a book at their level. 

Also Take Home Readers are starting back again. Students will be given books (in their Red Folder) to take home and to read with their families.



In Term 4, Prep students will be learning about the writing genre Recounts.  Each week students will participate in an exciting Language Experience or Event and then after the experience they will write a Recount of what happened during that lesson, using specific vocabulary.  We have planned fun Language Experiences that include a Scavenger Hunt, Book Week Costume Day and 100 Days of School Celebration.

During the second half of the Term, Prep students will be learning about and writing letters to chosen people. Students will write a letter to a special person in their family and we will be posting them home.



In Term 4, Prep students will be focusing on Money, Place Value, Sharing as well as revising Addition, Subtraction and Chance. Students will be participating in hands on, engaging lessons that develop not only their knowledge of Mathematical concepts but also their Numeracy vocabulary.

For Money, we will be creating an actual shop in the classroom where students will be able to 'buy' items (e.g. plastic food, toys) using play money. They will further develop their knowledge of Place Value, where they will name, make and order various numbers. Students will develop their understanding of sharing through the use of real life examples.

They will also revise concepts taught during remote learning, such as Addition, Subtraction and Chance, through the use of concrete materials hands during Maths lessons.



In Term 4, Prep students will learn about their community, country and the world around them. They will look at important places in their neighbourhoods (e.g hospitals, schools and libraries)  and where they fit into the world. Students will look at maps of their suburb, city, state and country.



  • No hats, no play! Hats are to be brought to school and worn each day.
  • Water bottles need to come to school everyday as the bubble taps are not available at the moment.
  • Digital devices (iPads/ laptops) need to come back to school every morning and taken home at the end of the day.
  • Book Week dress up Thursday 22nd October 2020.
  • 100 Days of School Friday 6th November 2020.

The Grade Prep Team

Tugba Celiker, Maria Neocleous, Laura Finnigan and Melissa Fitzpatrick