Year 3 Report


The Grade 3 Teachers would like to warmly welcome the students back to the classroom after a long stint of remote learning. We are very excited to be back at school and look forward to a productive term! 


This term students will be exploring Reading through the viewing medium. They will explore the different techniques authors, illustrators and filmmakers use to convey meaning and engage the audience. They will develop their inferential understanding through a variety of tasks and build upon their comprehension skills. Students will continue to practice and work towards achieving their reading goals. 


In Writing this term, Year 3 students will be exploring recount writing and letter writing.  We will look at the structures and features of each genre.  Our Big Write program will continue throughout this term, which is an exciting program that engages writers and encourages the students to assess and improve their own writing. We will assign individual writing goals for each student to achieve success. 


In Spelling and Grammar, students will continue to develop spelling strategies and explore different grammar conventions. They will further develop their knowledge of letter sound relationships and the correct use of different types of punctuation and grammar in written and oral language. This is will be achieved through specific spelling and grammar lessons, as well as incidentally via writing. 


In Mathematics, students will explore the concepts of Number Patterns, Time, Volume & Capacity, Mass and Slides & Turns. They will continue to practise number fluency skills daily and be exposed to a range of strategies to solve problems in these areas. We have designed activities to develop mental and written strategies with a strong focus on the language of Mathematics, reasoning and problem solving throughout the unit.


In Inquiry this term, Students will explore what makes Australia unique. They will learn all about the different climate zones, Aboriginal mapping techniques as well as Australia’s natural and man made features.  


Homework will be handed out on Monday and is due back at school on Friday's. 

Library borrowing will resume in Week 3. Students will also be borrowing Lexile books for their home reading.