Principal's Notes
Please enjoy this edition of ‘Healesville High Connections’. Our hope is that this weekly publication plays a small role in giving you a feeling of connection to the school, and maybe even to the outside world, during the current stage four COVID restrictions.
When we started the extended Easter school holiday break on March 24, and then began our first remote learning period on April 15 I could not have imagined that many months later we’d be in stage four restrictions, with six weeks of remote learning still ahead of us.
The remote learning process is difficult (this may be one of the biggest understatements of recent times) and yet I could not be more proud of how the Healesville High School community is tackling the task and thriving. As a school community you are doing an amazing job, and I hope everyone involved feels the same sense of pride as I do about what is being achieved.
Thank you to everyone for the remarkable work being completed. I so enjoy witnessing the innovative approaches of my staff members, and hearing and seeing the connection between students and their teachers.
To parents and guardians - I am astonished by how well you are coping with everything that is happening in your lives and yet you still remain able to support your children and our school. Thank you for that support during these times. It is greatly appreciated by me, by the staff at their various remote work stations and I hope and expect, by your children.
Keep up the brilliant work Healesville!
Enjoy this edition of “Connections’ and please take every precaution to ensure you and your families remain safe.
Kind regards
Allan Rennick