Spotlight on Learning


Mrs Feild, Mrs Gleeson, Mrs Siva, Mrs Carson, Miss Fitzgerald, Mrs O'Connor and Wendy have loved viewing all the magnificent work from students during Remote Learning.  BUT WE WANT TO SEE EVEN MORE!  Specialist lessons are compulsory during Term 3 and everybody should be completing 2 lessons every Wednesday. It would be great to see work from every student by the end of this week and then again in the next two weeks. Let's see if we can do it!


Preps Celebrate 100 Days of Schooling

Last Thursday Preps celebrated 100 days of schooling. The Preps had a fantastic Remote Learning day doing lots of fun activities all about the number 100. They started the day with a google hangout where they could share their wonderful costumes and the 100 objects they had collected. Some of the children had their 100 glasses and crowns on, that they had made from the home pack they received. The Preps also got a lovely surprise and were very excited when they got a special message from their buddies. A highlight of the day was when they had an online assembly with Mr Mutimer who congratulated Preps 2020 for all their wonderful achievements after 100 days at school.

While not all days have been on site, learning for 100 days is a significant milestone to celebrate. Just think, there's roughly 2 300 days to go before year 12 is complete!!!!


St James'  Got Talent

Click on the link below to discover information about this event

The password is 20sjgt20

You can access a link from the Performing Arts landing page here.