A note from Mr Jackson

A Tightening of Restrictions and Heightening of Concerns

As we began our Term 3 Learning at Home experience, I wondered how I was feeling and families might be feeling at a second round of home learning, a little more fatigued and frustrated perhaps. On one of the first mornings of term, I meandered to the top gate to greet students as they came to pick up some resources. I was prepared with a speech, .…’Here we are again....everybody is finding Home Learning difficult....we’d much prefer to be back, but we do what we have to do in these difficult times.’ Greeting one dad as I approached the gate I began, ‘It seems we’re back to Learning at Home, nobody likes it.…’ and, to my surprise, I was cut off. I couldn't see the grin under the mask but his eyes lit up. ‘No, it’s been amazing,’ he said. ‘Not many dads can say they have experienced sitting with their daughter and seeing them learn in front of them! Seeing them being able to read things when that wasn’t the case before’. It was great to be reorientated that morning and challenged to find the hopeful perspectives in uncertain times.


We can easily be overwhelmed with the stresses and frustrations of our current situation, very real and seemingly endless. This is a time to be reminded of the significance of others in our lives. While Learning at Home continues to be central at Rosanna Primary, I urge you to care for yourself and your family. Our health and wellbeing during these times are as important, if not more important, as our teaching and learning programs during these difficult days.


STEM Garden and New Playground Opening

While our Stage 4 Restrictions may close down our community interactions, we are looking forward to opening our new play and learning spaces. We will be cutting the ribbon on the Friday 21 August 2020 at 2:30pm in an RPSTV Live broadcast. Keep an eye on Compass to hear more about how you can be involved. The online webex meeting details are …

Meeting link: 


Meeting number: 165 477 8642

Password: a3aYkyQ6Xq5


One way to celebrate, will be to paint a pailing! We have already a number to add to our STEM garden fence line, all celebrating different people, facts, ideas, numbers and understanding of mathematics in our lives. Thanks to those who have already taken a pailing or two and are using it to celebrate learning over the coming weeks in their families. Book your pailing pickup by contacting the office.


Onsite Supervision (Week Starting Mon 10 August)

As our Newsletter is published, we continue to wait for direction from the DET concerning criteria for onsite supervision and our Operational Guidelines during this heightening of restrictions. I ask parents eager to know more, to stay alert to Compass, where the Application Form for attendance onsite for the coming week will be published.


RPSTV Assembly

RPSTV will host the Assembly on Friday to celebrate student achievement and hear a little bit of our Learning from Home experience. We meet on Friday 7 August at 2:45pm. The details are

Meeting link:


Meeting number: 165 769 8318

Password: FGmYsfPp572



In line with Stage 4 restrictions, we have once again minimised the need for staff to be onsite. The office will be staffed intermittently, and whilst you can still call 9457 2592, you may be met with voicemail. If you need to speak to someone urgently during school hours, you can call the school mobile on 0419 337 637 If the matter is not urgent, please email rosanna.ps@education.vic.gov.au from where it will be distributed to the most appropriate person to respond.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding teaching and learning, we encourage you to send an email to your child’s classroom teacher. These teacher emails are available on Compass and staff will ensure responses are sent within 24 hours.


We will also have our Student Wellbeing number available again, that can be used by staff, parents, carers or students to discuss issues related to the mental health or wellbeing of any student at Rosanna Primary. Please call 0492 440 113 between 9:00am and 3:30pm if you have any questions or concerns relating to wellbeing.


Most importantly, we ask again that all parents keep in daily contact with Compass. There is information on the newsfeed about a range of matters that may be helpful. In this climate, where things can change rapidly, Compass provides us all with the most recent and up to date information we can provide. Please ensure the Compass App is installed on your phone and you may consider allowing notifications that will alert you to new newsfeed items.