
Year 9 Focus Day
On the 23rd of May, our Year 9 students participated in their first focus day. The purpose of the focus days is to provide students with the opportunity for experiences and activities that enhance their wellbeing and enrich the curriculum.
During the day the students participated in the My Passport Program, Taking Care of Me and a range of physical activities in the afternoon.
“My Passport” is a program based on researched evidence based practice that covers a variety of topics focusing on solutions to issues of alcohol and drug use, their effects on the body, risk taking behaviours and consequence first aid. The program provides students with the information necessary to make informed decisions and respond to emergency situations.
“Taking Care of Me” program is a health promotion activity that focuses on building students’ knowledge and understanding of sexual health. The program strives to enhance informed decision making, focusing on healthy relationships, safe sex and contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STI's), safe partying and accessing health services. Students participated in small group learning activities, facilitated by professionals from Uniting Care Kildonan, the School Nursing Program and Victoria Police.
The afternoon was a series of activities that enabled students to experience different physical activities to support their physical and mental wellness. The students enjoyed yoga, martial arts, personal trainers running a circuit style session and game sports.
The students had a great day and expressed their enjoyment of the activities and day as a whole. Thank you to the Moira Shire Council, School Nursing Program, Victoria Police, GV Health, Primary Care Connect and Uniting Care Kildonan for your support and Future Fitness, Steve Tomlinson, Miss Scott and Skye for the afternoon activities.
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