Principals' Update

We have just completed our exam period for Year 9 to Year 11 students from 6th to 13th June. Congratulations to all of our students who have studied hard and prepared thoroughly.
Grade 6 Transition into Year 7-
Transition is a significant phase of life for all students. The CSC transition team have planned a series of familiarization activities for grade 5 &6’s to get to know our school and to make new friends in preparation for their commencement in 2019.
Education Week Showcase
On Friday June 1, CSC Year 7&8 English students and the Senior Band performed in the Education Week Showcase at Cobram Primary School. CSC students were treated like rock stars by the primary students who waited eagerly to see the show. I was impressed by the professionalism of our Senior Band who were able to do a complex set up of the entire band in 30 minutes! Each student knew exactly what to do & the more experienced students assisted the Year 8’s in their first “public gig”. Our English students did a fine job of their performances. I was so proud of them – thorough preparation and teamwork paid off! Thanks also to the staff, Justin McLaren, Lauren Parker, Jayne Black and Sienna Bate. Our students commented, “that was fun, let’s do it again!”
Professional learning Days– (Student Free)
Last week, our staff engaged in professional learning on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th June.
Our days supported our Annual Implementation Plan focus and will continue the professional Learning of our staff community.
Goal 1 - Improve Literacy growth of every Student & investigate best practice models of Assessment and Reporting.
Goal 2 - Creating a positive and supporting learning community that nurtures the social and emotional development of students (we will do this by using SWPBS & Respectful Relationships)
Women in Leadership
I accompanied our female student leaders on Wednesday 13th June for the ‘Women in Leadership’ Series organised by the Cobram Business & Tourism Group . We listen to renowned guest speakers such as Rebecca Casson, CEO of the Committee for Geelong, and our very own Baneen Alrubayi! I was so proud of our own college women in leadership who attended.
Kimberley Tempest