Community News

Emmanuel College Update

 Supporting students to be the best version of themselves that they can be is a priority at Emmanuel College, whether that personal best is in the service of others, academic achievement, community leadership, sport, music or other endeavor. We like to celebrate the success of all of our students. It is with great pleasure that we are able to share with you, those students who have been selected as some of our student leaders for 2021. We congratulate them on their spirit of service and appointment to their leadership position for 2021.


Student Leaders – St Paul’s Campus

College Captain                                                          Jordan Gasim

College Sports Captain                                              Max Birthisel  

School Advisory Committee Student Member     Joseph Siccita

Academic Leader                                                        Joseph Siccita   

Mission Captain – Faith                                             Hieu Vu              

Mission Captain - Social Justice                               Ajaay Venkadeswaran  

Arts Leader                                                                  Jack Horvath                   


Additionally, just a reminder that applications for enrolment for Year 7, 2022 closed on 9 October 2020. If you have a child who is currently in Year 5 and are seeking a place for Year 7, please contact the College Registrar at or calling on 8325 5119 asap to discuss options that are available.