The school year is quickly coming to the end, and we are commencing the set up for the following year.  


Our 2021 staffing is as follows:


Prep      Miss Godfrey (Alyssa) and Mrs Hamilton (Naomi)

               Kyle will be attached to this level.

               Mrs Holmfield (Lou) will be supporting in this level.


1/2         Mrs Pocklington, Mrs Campbell, Ms Gebbie (Kirstie)/Ms Taylor (Sarah)

                Rachael will be attached to this level.

                Mrs Hill (Janine) will be supporting in this level   


3/4         Miss Wilson (Alysha), Miss Turner (Bec), Mrs Williams (Sarah) 

                and Mrs Pridham (Deena)

                Mrs Mangiameli (Shirley) will be supporting in this level


5/6         Miss Cherry (Amy), Mr Molluso (Josh), Ms Gilmour (Fleur), Miss Gusman (Emily)

                Kathy will be attached to this level.

                Mrs Grant (Kristy) will be supporting in this level.



Our specialists programs we will be running will be:

Science, Drama, Visual Art, Physical Education and Circus (gymnastics).


We still have a few gaps as haven’t quite finalised all of our staffing as yet, but we are close!


If your child has any educational needs we should be considering when forming our grades, please make an appointment to discuss this with Miss Burke or myself prior to Thursday 26th of November.

Due to COVID restrictions, these appointments will most likely be via phone.  

Creating the grades is a very complex process and we try very hard to balance our classrooms to ensure ‘fairness’ for all, so once the classes have been set, there is very little chance of any changes being made.


If your family circumstances have changed, and your child/ren will no longer be attending Echuca East Primary, can you please ensure the front office know, so we don’t include them in a 2021 grade and we pass the necessary information to the new destination.


Lyn Strachan.