Engagement and Wellbeing 

Student Dress Code 

A reminder that we expect all of our students to be in full school uniform at all times while at school and on excursions. 

  • Students are not to wear jewellery unless for medical, cultural or religious reasons and these can be discussed with school staff. 
  • Small, plain studs or sleepers can be worn if your child’s ears are pierced. 
  • Makeup and nail polish should be removed before coming to school and hair should be kept tidy and long hair tied back. 
  • Shoes should allow students to participate in all educational activities safely. Black school shoes or black runners are appropriate. 

We are very proud of our school and the reputation we have earned for excellence in education. The wearing of school uniform is one way we actively demonstrate our pride and our belonging.


Your help in ensuring that all students are in correct uniform is appreciated.

Remembrance Day

Our school captains did a wonderful job of representing our school at the local Remembrance Day service and laying a wreath on behalf of our school community. This event was much smaller in scale than previous years and we were delighted to still be able to show our support, with our presence appreciated by the members of the RSL. 


The ceremony at school battled the unpredictable weather and the decision was made to run this indoors. This was live streamed via WebEx into classrooms. The team running things did a terrific job, it’s nice to see our grade 6 students having opportunities to participate and lead school events in such a capable manner. 

The enthusiasm from our school community in buying and wearing the Remembrance poppies also demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting our armed services community and reflecting on the contributions servicemen & women have made to the country we live in today. The RSL were delighted with the support received, with our school raising over $525. 


Many thanks to everyone for their support.