Principal's Message

Principal's Message

We move into the last two weeks of the school year and marvel at the continued achievements of our school community. On Tuesday night, 25 November, the Annual Design Education Exhibition will be presented online and the quality of student work and effort will be acknowledged. Much of this work would have been completed at home, during the lockdown period, and students have had to use their creativity to come up with ideas and designs that reflect the themes and practices of this area of learning. Those who have been following the exceptional works displayed on our social media platforms, leading up to the Exhibition, have seen a small example of the night has to offer. Our Design & Technology Staff should also be congratulated for mentoring the students over this time and encouraging them to persevere, set high expectations, and produce beyond  their potential.


With the easing of restrictions there has been increased attention to welcoming the Year 7 students who will be joining us in 2021. We have had an increased level of enrolment applications over this year and Catholic Education Melbourne has given the College permission to accept an additional Year 7 class in 2021. We will have over 160 students starting their secondary school journey at Marian next year and this increase is testimony to the standard of learning, and the provision of care, that is evident at our College. We look forward to welcoming these students onsite at their Orientation Day in December.


Finally, another achievement to celebrate is the handover of the keys to the new Years 9 & 10 Learning Centre and the College Community can be very proud of this addition to the facilities available to students and staff. The double storey building comprises 10 General Purpose Areas (classrooms), 2 Year Level Leader Offices, 2 Staff Prep Areas, 2 small breakout spaces, a indoor/outdoor maker space and a large open presentation spaces on both floors. The classroom furniture that has been ordered will be flexible in design and cater for all learning and teaching styles.  We plan to have an official opening in early 2021. 


With the completion of the new building the College is also undertaking a renewal of the site master plan including physical facilities as well as accompanying landscaping. Landscaping works will occur over the break including around the College driveway, the new Learning Centre and the old Year 9 Building. Unfortunately trees in the College driveway have dropped branches recently and an arborist report has deemed them unsafe and recommended their removal. We have engaged a landscape architect to assist us plan and implement a design that incorporates both passive recreation and  outdoor learning spaces as well new garden beds and shade bearing trees. We will also provide outdoor furniture and shade structures in these new areas. The new works are planned to be completed in time for the start of the new school year.


While there is still so much to do as the year concludes, the members of our community are exhibiting a generosity of spirit that is having a positive impact on the efforts of all. There is a buoyant mood evident focused on seeing this year out, especially with friends, classmates and teachers, and realising that we have had a very successful year.



Raymond Pisani
