Year 12

At last we were able to spend time together as a year level. Excitement was high as we made our way to Blampied for the Year 12 Retreat. It was the perfect time for our students to take some time out from school and reflect on their hopes and dreams. They engaged in quiet reflection as well as some active games outside in the glorious sunshine. Once again, we were fortunate that Fr Peter Matheson took time out of his busy schedule to celebrate the Eucharist with us. The liturgy prepared by the students was thoughtful as well as joyous.   


This group never fails to be inclusive and respectful of each other and this was evident in the small group activities. They shared ideas and made positive suggestions to help each other. Their questions to Sr Brigid Arthur who spoke to them about her work with the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project (BASP) demonstrated that they had a clear understanding of the complexities of life for some people in Australia. 


This Retreat could not have been possible without the enormous work behind the scenes by Ms Cristelle D’Offay, who rewrote the program to reflect our core values of Courage, Hope, Wonder, Compassion, Justice and Hospitality. The staff who led sessions and group activities were so flexible and really spent time engaging with the girls. Many thanks to Ms Joanne Wood, Ms Nadia Andary, Ms Louise Stevens, Mr Peter Blackshaw, Mr Tony Dalton, Mr Brian Ellett, Mr Chris Moore, Ms Sarah Chuck, Mr Bill Fitzsimons and Ms Nicole Everett for being so giving of their time to support our students. 


The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. I hope that this time away has enabled the students to recharge and refocus on the year ahead. Now is the time for action. Many have received SAC marks that may not have been what they were expecting. A reminder that every student should be spending at the very minimum, two hours of study each evening. The Library is open after school and is a great way to complete work and study in groups, often with teacher support, without the distractions of home. I hope that many more students avail themselves of this resource.


Last week our Careers Coordinator, Ms Laura Lunardi, addressed our students about possibilities for next year and beyond. Next week, during the pastoral lesson, we will spend more time exploring pathways and study options beyond Year 12 and creating their careers portfolio. 


Sue Dempster

Level Leader:

Year 12

Year 12 Retreat

Our Retreat was perfectly timed. Just when everyone’s schedule was getting busy with SACs and assignments, we had the opportunity to regroup as a year level and refocus on our goals for the year. After not being able to gather or travel together for two years, the excitement on the first morning was very clear to see. 


While on Retreat, we had a series of workshops that gave us the chance to focus on the Brigidine values and how they relate to who we are, and who we want to be. This holistic approach to improving our spiritual wellbeing was great as it allowed us to put our Year 12 journey into perspective, as we not only set goals for what we wish to achieve this year, but also how we want to be remembered by others and how we are going to live out our values. 

The year level Mass was a memorable experience too, as each of our eight groups worked to organise a different aspect of the Mass. While this was a new experience for us all, everyone worked really hard to create a reverent and touching experience. As part of our Mass, each of us wrote down something we were going to forgive or let go of, whether it be the actions of someone else, or ourselves, and took turns to place our pieces in the campfire. This symbolic gesture was a part of our lesson for the day; to live well, we must forgive and let go of things that hurt us. Overall, the Mass brought us closer as a year level and was another lesson in what we can achieve as a year level when we work together. 


Our sing-along evening was definitely a highlight for all of us as we sang (at considerable volume) some throwback classics, accompanied by some acoustic guitar played by our very talented peers. The sing-along night, along with the rest of the Retreat, was made possible by the cohort's willingness to participate in anything and everything to the best of our ability. It really created a special memory for us all. 


Siorcha Creaton

Year 12