Living Justice 

Kildare Ministries Living Justice and Sustainability Student Seminar 

With the policies surrounding COVID-19 safety plans at schools, it was decided that this year’s Kildare Ministries Living Justice and Sustainability Student Seminar (usually held in Term 1), would be held online as a one-day seminar. 


Students from Kildare Ministries schools from all around the country were involved in the day. It was an opportunity for our Student Leaders to network with students from other schools over common themes such as Project Compassion and sustainability. Breakout rooms were created so that there was the opportunity to share ideas and create action plans. 


Romina, from Caritas, was a guest speaker. Her presentation allowed for interaction from the students and it focussed on 'Compassion', unpacking the meaning of it and relating it to real world issues.


Our Student Leaders came away from the day feeling energised and connected. They are looking forward to the face-to-face camp which will hopefully be held in Term 3. Dates are still to be confirmed.

Caritas Project Compassion

Caritas, whilst continuing their sustainable programs, are also working with the enormous amount of displaced people from the Ukraine. This year, we have asked students to donate an Easter chocolate item, preferably Fair Trade, which will go towards creating hampers to be raffled in the last week of term. 


Donations for the Project Compassion collection boxes are also being accepted. The world needs agencies such as this in times of crisis. Please support whichever way you can.


This LINK tells the story of one of many of Caritas’ work. This one is in Kakadu and involves the support of an art gallery coordinated by Indigenous elder woman, Janice.

Walk for Justice and Freedom for Refugees

BASP are strongly urging that those of us who can, march in this year’s Palm Sunday Rally. Like last year, we will make our own way there and meet at the State Library.


'Walk for Justice and Freedom for Refugees' – Sunday 10 April 2022. Show solidarity with individuals and groups who want to welcome people seeking refuge and treat all those who have arrived with dignity and care.


Walk for Justice and Freedom for Refugees to:

  • Release all refugees
  • End offshore processing
  • Bring them here
  • Permanent visas
  • Income support
  • Family reunion

We are meeting at 2.00pm at the State Library, corner of Swanston and Latrobe Streets, Melbourne


Trish Moloney

Living Justice Leader