Health and Physical Education 

Term 1 has been very busy for our Physical Education subjects with several classes getting out to enjoy a range of different opportunities.


Our Year 8 Physical Education classes are finishing up their Lifesaving Program. Over the term those classes have been able to get down to Mentone Beach and under the instruction of the experienced Mentone Lifesaving Team, have learnt and improved their skills at wading, rescues, tubes and boarding, as well as important beach awareness skills about current and rips. We’ve had a great run with the weather and the girls have embraced the opportunity to get down the beach in this class.


Our Year 9 Physical Education elective classes, Outdoor Education and Fit for Life, have also ventured out for a few activities related to what they’re learning about in class. Fit For Life activities have included going to the gym and Trampolining, whilst our Outdoor Education class have had the wonderful opportunity of doing Stand Up Paddleboarding.


There are plenty more great activities still to come. Our VCE Physical Education classes have a few different sessions coming up and there are a number of half day bike rides happening too.


Natalie Burke

Learning Leader:

Health and Physical Education

Outdoor Education

Both Year 9 Outdoor Education classes were lucky enough to have the opportunity to go Stand Up Paddleboarding. The experience was exciting and full of fun and entertaining games and activities. 


To start the morning we calmly paddled out from Sandringham Yacht Club out into the bay. The water was smooth and flat and it was so peaceful. After paddling out we had a competition to see who could do a headstand on their board and not fall off. After a few attempts, Charlotte and I were upside down laughing at everyone falling into the water. We then paddled out to the old shipwreck and had a look at the site. It was so fascinating and really cool! 


We then paddled halfway back to the Yacht Club and we played a game of last one standing. Charlotte and I tried to get Mr Brown into the water but he was too fast. So we got more people to help us and in the end, we managed to flip his board. We then had a race in partners. We had to both stand on the same board with the spare board attached by the ankle straps. We raced from one yellow pole to the other and Charlotte and I won! 

For our last activity, we had to line up in one long line, boards side by side and I had to run across everyone's boards and dive in at the end! This was so much fun and was really funny watching other people run! Overall the day was a great experience and we are so grateful for the chance to get out of school and enjoy the outdoors and great weather!


Bailee Drew and 

Charlotte Hewitson

Year 9



Fit for Life

So far, Fit for Life has been amazing! We are learning all about sports and activities to keep our bodies moving. So far, the fun activities we have done are Body Pump at a local gym in Mentone, Trampolining at CYC Gymnastics, Badminton and learning about sports from different countries and teaching them to the class. 

I'm looking forward to going to the Cable Park and yoga. Being able to go out and find ways to move our bodies has been super fun and exciting. I always look forward to coming to class and being able to participate in all that this elective provides. I would love to continue this further as it has been very enjoyable for myself and the whole class. 

Charlotte Hewitson

Year 9


Over the last few weeks, Year 8 students have been heading down to Mentone Beach for our Physical Education classes to do lifesaving. It was great to have recent sunny and hot weather, not cold! Even though we had some laughs, there were some serious moments when we were learning important lifesaving skills. 


Everyone learnt so much regarding how to save someone who is drowning and how to get out of a rip, as well as being taught lots of useful tips on how to stay on the boards. 

Great memories were made after the lifesaving lesson and we had laughs on the bus and at the beach. Sun, sea and the beach are such an important part of Australian life, making the skills we learned during lifesaving a critical part of our life. 


It is really encouraging that Kilbreda provides these opportunities for us.


Megan Singleton

Year 8