Stage II and Rock Ex       Mt. Arapiles Trip

There has been much excitement and anticipation about getting to go interstate for some of our bigger Outdoor Education Adventures since COVID started affecting us.


After coming back in 2020 and the NT border closing the day after our return, we are pleased to announce that we have been and gone from Victoria without a COVID incident which is very reassuring for our Mittagundi and Wollangarra programs later in July.


The Stage II Outdoor Education class and senior Rock Ex-activity group had been training hard for their adventure during Term 1. Many options were considered for the trip to minimise exposure of our students, including; not going into Melbourne at all - camping every night while we were away in separate tents - down to the last night where heavy dew had wet the tents for our 6:00am departure from Ballarat to get to the airport.


Students in the class constructed many of their own systems for climbing and abseiling under the supervision of Emma Shearer, Stacey Gill and Dave Atkins and spent 8 days climbing at the iconic Mt Arapiles in Western Victoria. At times students climbed up to 110m off the ground, abseiled 90m and spent the night on a cliff 40m from the ground.


It really was great to have this adventure in 2022 and we are looking forward to all programs running to their full extent this year.


~ Dave Atkins

Head of Outdoor Education