Teaching and Learning 

Rangeview Instructional Model 

At Rangeview Primary School, we use a collaborative whole-school instructional model for teaching and learning, underpinned by the gradual release of responsibility framework.


“The gradual release of responsibility instructional framework purposefully shifts the cognitive load from teacher-as-model, to joint responsibility of teacher and learner, to independent practice and application by the learner” (Pearson & Gallagher, 1983).


Teachers at Rangeview Primary School plan their lessons following this model. 


To begin with, students are provided with a Learning Intention (what they will learn) and then collaboratively as a class, co-construct Success Criteria (what they will need to know to be successful).


The teacher then begins a mini lesson that lasts approximately 10 minutes. In this mini lesson, focussed instruction by the teacher ‘I Do’, leads to ‘We Do’ where students might be asked to turn and talk briefly about a concept. The next step ‘You Do’ allows students to have a quick try, perhaps writing it down or saying a phrase. As the mini lesson concludes, students move into the ‘You Do Independently’ stage, often moving back to tables with a structured task. 


While the students are working independently, the teacher will confer with a selected student or small group, focusing on one component of the learning. 


Often a teacher will briefly stop the class from independent work time to check understanding or remodel a strategy, before returning students to independent work.


As the lesson approaches its conclusion, the teacher will bring the students back together for a debrief. In this time students discuss how they have met the Success Criteria, share their learning and celebrate success.



From Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility (2nd ed). By D. Fisher & N. Frey, 2013, Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Term 2 Reflection

As we approach the mid-year school holidays, I would like to reflect on Term 2 and the wonderful learning that our students have displayed, including some of the enriching activities:

  • Level 1 and 2 Swimming
  • Whole School Writing Moderation
  • Cyber Safety Project
  • Level 3 and 5 NAPLAN
  • Level 4 Scienceworks
  • Level 4-6 Sprints
  • Foundation Peter Puppy Pyjama Day
  • Level 1&2 Craft Power Incursion
  • Maths Olympiad


And who could forget, watching Mr Evans demonstrating his mastery of Lego building and design in Lego Masters!


Unfortunately, COVID disrupted a number of planned events in Term 2, but we are hoping that Term 3 is uninterrupted.


I would like to wish our Level 6 students a wonderful time at The Summit Camp in the first week of Term 3 and I know our Level 5 students have a range of special activities planned in this time.


Please have a safe and happy school holiday break I we look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.