What's happening in the classrooms

Year 3/4 students have had a busy and fun-filled term. Within the last two weeks, they have been using new knowledge, skills and strategies, and applying these across all areas of the curriculum.


In Literacy, students have been focusing on editing their writing using the phonics and spelling skills that they have been developing across the term. In recent weeks they have been using their understanding of singular and plural nouns to make sure that their sentences make sense. Last week, students identified and applied rules for singular and plural possessive nouns where they must include an apostrophe to show that the noun owns something. 


In Maths, students have been learning new strategies for addition and subtraction. During this time, they have been looking at how to identify key information in worded problems to solve for addition and subtraction, as well as how we check our answers using inverse operations. The Middle School students are beginning to display confidence and independence in this area of their learning which has been great to see. 


In Inquiry and Religious Education, the Middle School students have been learning about Rights and Relationships through the lens of their Big Question, ‘How can we be people of justice and service?’ As we move into our final week of the term, students will bring together their understanding of Human Dignity and a call to action to support them to become more active member of our Catholic Community. They will also consolidate their understanding of their rights and investigate how they can participate in the world around them in order to make a positive impact.


I hope you have a safe and enjoyable school holiday break and we look forward to an exciting term 3 ahead!


Marnie Newbound

3/4 Classroom Teacher