Resource Centre Updates

Renowned author visit enjoyed by all

Author Jane Godwin visited Trinity recently.

Jane, the author of the book Falling From Grace, ran sessions with our Year 8 students, VCE Literature students and an open session for interested future writers over two days.

This was a fantastic opportunity for students to ask a real author questions about the writing process, inspiration and to delve deeper into the back story of Falling From Grace.

Jane also presented prizes to our writing competition winners Cooper Day, Paige Compton and Hayden Desmond.

a horrific figure inside my chicken coop. It turned to me, its glaze tore my soul into two, life fades, everything goes black, my body drops limp into the soft grass. I fall through into another world. Cooper Day (above left)

a hideous, vile creature. It's skin was spotted red and its matted fur clung to its pale forehead. "What are you doing?!" it hissed. My tremors ceased. "David" I whispered questionably. "Yes, who else" my brother asked. Paige Compton (above centre)

a flashing light and a small man, I walked down a little further I saw he had a truck that I could smell as soon as I smelt the air. Then he said hello, the garbo's early. Hayden Desmond (above right)


New Year 7&8 Homework Reading Passport

We are introducing a new Homework Reading Passport initiative to encourage Year 7 and 8 students to read more for enjoyment at home.

An OECD report published in 2011 found that, on average, students who read daily for enjoyment scored the equivalent of one-and-a-half years of schooling better than those who did not.

Reading for 15 minutes a day has been found to improve student learning outcomes and reading for as little as 6 minutes has shown to reduce stress and improve wellbeing.

We are excited about creating a school-wide culture of reading to improve student enjoyment of reading and their learning outcomes.

Further details regarding this initiative will be contained in a separate letter for Year 7 and 8 families.