Year 3/4 News

Writing: Poems
In Weeks 9 & 10, students in Year 3/4 have been focusing on poetry in Literacy.
Poetry is a type of literature that uses sounds and images to express feelings and ideas.
In this unit, students have explored common elements found in poetry, including rhyme and repetition, and experimented with wordplay in poetry.
Students have been enjoying writing their own poems including shape (also known as c
oncrete poems), limericks, haikus & odes.
Dance Concert
What an absolutely incredible night! The dance concert has to be one of the highlights of this term, for both the students and teachers. It was so lovely to see all of our St. Raphael's community show up and support the students. Both shows were an almighty success with all students performing a choreographed dance routine to perfection. They should be immensely proud of themselves for the effort and commitment they showed in learning and practising for the concert. We couldn't stop smiling and dancing all night!
Here's a sneak peek at some backstage photos...
Maths (Resources for Holidays)
This term, we have focused on the units of multiplication, division and fractions. We ask that you assist your child in practising and consolidating the taught skills in order for your child to solve problems more efficiently.
We have listed some useful resources that your child can practise over the school holidays.
By the end of the year, Year 3s are expected to know their multiplication facts of 2, 3, 5 and 10. By the end of the year, Year 4s are expected to know their multiplication facts up to 10. It is important that students are able to instantly recall these facts, as it will help with division and fractions.
A short video explaining how to solve vertical multiplication: Vertical Multiplication
Worded Division Problems (Year 3)
Worded Division Problems (Year 4)
A short video explaining how to solve short division problems: Short Division
Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions (vice versa)
Converting Fractions to Decimals (vice versa)
Learning Intentions & Timetable
The Year 3/4 Learning Intentions for Term 4 Weeks 1 & 2 have not been included in this edition of the newsletter. Learning Intentions will be posted via Skoolbag once we return to school in Term 4. Thank you for your understanding.
Important Dates
Friday 16th September: Last day of Term 3 - finish at 1 pm.
Monday 3rd October: Term 4 commences
Friday 14th October: School Sports Day
Contact Details
Linda Pham
Belinda Hirschauer
Kaitlyn McMillan
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.