Year 5/6 News

As we move through Week 10 it is a good opportunity to reflect on what has been a very busy term. Obviously the Dance Performance last Friday is a key highlight but there are many others including our trip to Ceres, Debating , Writer's Festival, Father's Day celebration, Book Week Parade, Tournament of Minds, Cyber Safety Police Visit, the Commonwealth Games Day and the Year 5's introduction to their 2023 buddies.
We would like to thank all the 5/6 families for not only keeping up with the busy schedule but your overall support throughout the term. The students continuing to come to school prepared and enthusiastic for the day ahead is a testament to the strength of our parent community.
Thank-you to our Parent Helpers that were able to offer their time over the past term - particularly to our parent experts - Darren O'Connor and Fiona Christoff who have been supporting the children through their PBL Business models.
As mentioned in our Skoolbag post and our last newsletter edition, we are taking on a different approach to parent helpers to help improve our uptake of assistance. We will continue to send out weekly times and would welcome parents to spare an hour or two to support our learning.
As we move into the later part of the year, we encourage you to support good organisational habits in your children. Each week we post a weekly 'What's on the Week' on Google Classroom which outlines events for the week, important resources which may be needed and required uniform. We also encourage you to continue to discuss your child's learning and focus on their 'Wishes' they identified through their parent teacher chats this week.
Fortnight in Review - Student Voice
Foundation 2023 Information Evening
"On Thursday night the Year 5’s were extremely elated because they met their buddies! The Year 5’s got to go off and have a chat with their buddies and they asked a few questions to get to know each other a bit more, overall they had an amazing time together." - Ella
Writer's Festival
"I was lucky to be able to attend the Writers Festival! The Writers Festival was so much fun! We were able to meet authors, hear their backstories, and even buy signed books from them! We got to meet many famous Authors such as Gabrielle Wang, Kirli Saunders, Katrina Nannestad & even Eddie Woo! We even got to interact with the authors! At the end of each speech we got handed a microphone to ask questions! Hearing their inspiration was so awesome!" - Zoe
CERES Excursion
"Ceres is a beautiful place where students have learned about sustainable farming and non sustainable farming. How to grow crops and native plants to our country. We even got to taste some!It was such a great learning experience and I am so thankful we could go." - Zoe
Dance Concert
"The Dance Concert was a wonderful experience. I had lots of fun and enjoyed myself!" - Ruby
"I really enjoyed the dance concert. I felt it was a wonderful opportunity to challenge myself outside of my comfort zone. I wish we could do it more regularly!" - Jennifer
It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm and hardwork of the students pay off at our dance concert on Friday evening. Well done to all students for their efforts and those who supported the Foundation students' performance.
The students are busy planning their businesses for next term. Could you please help them by responding to the two surveys below-
Learning Intentions & Timetables
The Year 5/6 Learning Intentions for Weeks 1 & 2 in Term 4 have not been included in this edition of the newsletter. Learning Intentions will be posted via Skoolbag once we return to school in Term 4. Thank you for your understanding.
Important Dates
Term 4 begins - Monday October 3rd
Author Visit, Dr Cameron Stelzer - Tuesday October 11
School Sports Day@Coburg Athletics Track - Friday October 14
Contact Details
5/6A Maxwell Allan
5/6D Anastasia Dullard
5/6SV Emma Sbizzirri & Matt Vernal
We kindly ask all emails for 5/6SV include both Emma and Matt.
Support Shane Giese
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.