Principal News

School Theme: LIGHT of HOPE

Dear members of the St. Raphael’s School Community,


As this is the last newsletter for the Term, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and understanding throughout the winter months.  


As we draw a close to Term 3  and restrictions continue to ease, a growing sense of ‘normality’ becomes more evident. This was particularly experienced last Friday evening in what was a happy and joyful occasion witnessed by many families as our children warmed our hearts with their dance moves. 

The term has been busy with many great learning opportunities and experiences.

When reflecting back on the term’s highlights, we can not go past how excited the children were to participate in the school’s Commonwealth Games Day, Book Week celebrations, Year 3/4 Camp in Lake Dewar, the 5/6 Excursion to CERES, the Tournament of Minds, 5/6 Debating Competition, the District Athletics, Hoop Time, Father’s Day celebrations, community services visit such as the Police and Firefighters with the Foundation children, and we can not forget the amazing artwork shared with our Indigenous Artist in Residence - Emma Stenhouse. We are sure there are many more events in between! 

The teachers and school staff have again shown remarkable professionalism and determination in ensuring learning continues for the children. 


We would also like to take this opportunity to give a special thanks to all of the parent helpers and volunteers that have supported us over the term. Whether it was in the classroom, assisting with an excursion, or making props for the concert, we thank you as a school.  


To all our St. Rapahel's Community - THANK YOU!  Stay safe, enjoy the Spring days and we will see you all back in Term 4. 


Beginning of Term 4

Term 4 will begin on Monday, the 3rd of October. Students are asked to wear their summer school uniform.  We will strongly enforce that children must wear their hats outside.  As always, it will be ‘No Hat, No Play.’ Please ensure that your child has a hat with their name clearly labelled. We recommend a small tub of sunscreen be placed in their bags. We will continue to provide sunscreen in homerooms for children to apply before outdoor activity.

Final Parent Induction Session for families of 2022

We will be doing a parent induction for Term 4 in Week 2, Thursday 13th of October at 

3:00 pm.

Tuckshop Helpers

Next Term, we are considering opening up a ‘Friday Tuckshop’ for students.  To run the tuckshop, we need parent volunteers to assist. If you would like to be a ‘Tuckshop Helper’ in Term 4, can you please contact Grace Chiodo at Further details regarding the school tuckshop will be sent out early Term 4. 

School Fees

A reminder that all school fees and levies must be finalised by Friday, September 16.

School Advisory Board (SAB) Positions

On Tuesday, October 11, we will hold an AGM, and all positions will become vacant, and nominations for SAB positions for 2023 will be made available to all parents in our school community. 

Roles on the SAB include:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Parish representative
  • Two parent representatives

To nominate for any of these positions, send a nomination via email to with the heading SAB Nomination. 

The body of the email should state "I would like to nominate for the position of  _________________________ (insert one of the positions listed above) on the SAB". 

Please also include a brief overview of your skills, experience or qualifications that you can bring to this role on the SAB.

Please include your phone contact number. The school will be in touch with you, and voting will take place at our upcoming AGM. 

There will be a transition period where the current SAB members will guide and work with the newly appointed members before the end of the year to ensure a smooth transition.

We encourage all parents, especially our new parents, to get involved with this essential advisory committee. 

The SAB is a fantastic way for parents to meet and actively assist the school with whole-school improvement and decision-making. 

Community Liaison Committee (CLC) Positions 

We will also be forming a new Community Liaison Committee (CLC), comprised of parent volunteers (maximum 7) and staff members. The CLC will be responsible for upcoming whole school community events and community connections. We will invite parents to nominate for the CLC by sending a nomination via email to with the heading CLC Nomination. 

The body of the email can state, "I would like to nominate for a position on the CLC". Please include your reasons for applying and a phone contact number. The school will be in touch with you, and we hope to have this finalised by the start of next term.

Important End of Year Date Changes

A reminder that the last day of the 2022 school year will be Friday, December 16 at 1 pm. 

Theircare will be open on Monday, December 19.


The Yr 6 Graduation Presentation & Graduation Liturgy will now be held on Thursday, December 15 at 5 pm, and Carols Night will now be held on Tuesday, December 13 from 5:30 - 7 pm. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to all the parents that arranged to meet with their child's teacher/s this week. For any parent who was unable to meet this term and would like to, can you please send an email to your child's homeroom teacher requesting a 10-minute interview early in Term 4.