Upper Primary Learning

It has been an intriguing term as we explored the seasons of the year, the solar system and extreme weather patterns on Earth. Through the language experiences each week, the students were provided with lots of meaningful and engaging learning opportunities, like exploring the exhibit in the Discovery Centre, the excursion to Gresswell Forest and ‘The Blue Marble’ incursion. There have been so many other highlights like creating our own paper mache solar system, propagating and planting broad beans, as well as our Book Week celebration.
In Mathematics, we have focused our development of our skills in multiplication and division, through grouping, sharing and making arrays. We are currently working on recognising and using money for everyday purposes. We have also learnt about length and height and have measured items all around the school using informal and formal units.
In Literacy, we have read a variety of books to complement our ‘Reasons for the Seasons’ discovery unit. Our ‘Little Learners Love Literacy’ sessions have been very productive, with the students developing their decoding skills, while having fun playing games at the same time.
I commend the UPA students for their hard work and engagement in the sessions this term and I look forward to another great term to finish off what has been a terrific year.
UPB have had another fabulous term filled with plenty of fun and learning! This term we started our Discovery Unit based on Earth and Space which UPB have loved. Our language experiences have continued each Monday where the students have participated in a range of experiences such as experiments on gravity, making models of different parts of the solar system, making cyclones in jars and an incursion based on Earth and it’s elements. These experiences have allowed for students to develop their vocabulary and extend their knowledge in order to give them the confidence to write about these experiences.
In Mathematics, we have explored and developed our skills in multiplication and division and recognising and using money. We have also learnt about length and height and had lots of time measuring things using a ruler.
This term, we had some special days to celebrate. For Book Week, we dressed up as our favourite book characters and read a variety of different books. We also walked to Gresswell Forest and explored the environment around us. We had fun at our Sports Day event which was held at the Watsonia Campus.
UPB have worked very hard this term and they should be proud of themselves.
UPC have enjoyed an exciting term with lots of fun and meaningful learning opportunities.
We have loved continuing our Language Experiences each Monday as we engaged in a new Discovery Unit topic ‘What is the reason for the Seasons?’. The highlights for these were walking to Gresswell Forest where we saw lots of different animals and plants. We loved having ‘The Blue Marble’ incursion where we learnt about the different elements on Earth and what is needed to grow and survive. We also conducted an experiment where we made a Tornado in a jar using water, hand sanitiser, dish soap and glitter.
Each Tuesday, we ventured to Watermarc in Greensborough for our swimming lessons. Each week we learnt new skills and became more and more confident in the water. Everyone was always really engaged and very well behaved at swimming.
One of our favourite moments this term was definitely Book Week and dressing up for the parade! During this special week we explored different texts and learnt about being an author, even having a turn of creating our own text. Finishing it off by dressing up as our favourite book characters and celebrating with our peers.
UPC are very excited to continue having fun with their learning next term. They should be very proud of their hard work this term.
It has been an exciting and productive term with lots of meaningful and engaging learning opportunities for the students. There have been so many highlights which have promoted curiosity and lots of discussion.
During the term the students visited the Discovery Centre to learn about extreme weather events, such as bushfires, cyclones, earthquakes and even investigate a 3D model of a volcano. It was lots of fun making a ‘tornado in a jar’ when learning about cyclones. Our language experiences have included learning about Space, the effect of the Moon and gravity and how the Earth orbits around the Sun.
The students have been enthralled learning about the Solar System and each student researched a planet to create an informative poster. We walked to Gresswell Forest to learn more about the Seasons and compare the environment with that of Kakadu. The students have enjoyed reading the book series by Jackie French related to extreme weather events.
In Mathematics the students have covered many areas, such as multiplication and division by sharing into equal groups and making arrays. We have explored the topic of money, as this is an important life skill. For our minor unit we have learnt about measurement, focusing on length and height.
During Book Week we were visited by the author Lisa Keskinen, showcasing her book “Billy Bobbarooni”. The students were excited to dress up as book characters for Book Week.
Towards the end of the term the students also participated in a fantastic Sports Day at the Watsonia Campus.
UPE have worked harder than ever in Term 3 and they have engaged in many meaningful learning opportunities.
Our weekly language experiences have focused on Space and extreme weather events, such as bushfires, cyclones, earthquakes and the students have shown interest and excitement when learning about these topics.
Students took part in a science incursion with ‘The Blue Marble’,where we learnt about the different elements on Earth and what is needed to grow and survive. We walked to Gresswell Forest making connections to the seasons and making comparisons to the environment and that of Kakadu.
In Maths, UPE have been working hard exploring and developing their skills in Multiplication and Division, Measurement and Money.
Book Week was the highlight of the term for many students as they got to dress up as their favourite book character and participated in an Upper Primary parade. We were visited by the author Lisa Keskinen, showcasing her book “Billy Bobbarooni”.
Megan and I are so proud of all the success UPE has been able to achieve in Term 3, we can’t wait for Term 4.
Students were intrigued from the first moment they began exploring “The Reasons for the Seasons” in our Integrated Unit. Students were immersed in learning about the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, as well as the North and South Poles and the Equator. Building vocabulary became a focus for discussions each week, while applying new knowledge through oral language development and writing drove a lot of our learning each week.
A definite highlight was when students in Upper Primary trekked to Greswell Forest in a whole section excursion. We all agreed that it was a wonderful way to start our school week. Students explored the forest through a scavenger hunt, ensuring their checklist was completed. They were very excited to spot two kookaburras sitting in the tree and a kangaroo mob grazing grass. Unfortunately, we did not spot any grasshoppers and (thankfully) it was too cold for snakes to be out.
Finally, UPF would love to thank Annie for being Class Captain and James for being SRC. They have both done a wonderful job at being great role models.
A few words from our Term 3 Class Captain, Annie:
"Book week was so much fun. I liked wearing my Ladybug costume and a wig. I liked learning about the cyclone. The houses fall down because the cyclone hits the house".
What a fantastic Term 3 we have had in UPG! We have worked hard to learn new Literacy, Maths, Geography, History, Extreme Weather, and Social Competencies skills. We have loved the Language Experiences about the weather and learning how seasons happen. We loved dressing up for book week.
Term 3 has been busy for UPH! We have enjoyed participating in a language experience each Monday, including a science incursion! We especially enjoyed our excursion to Gresswell Forest, where we walked around and tried to find various animals and plants.
We saw Kangaroos and a sleepy Echidna! I am very proud of UPH for working hard on their handwriting this term, which is something new that we have been working on. The students have been using the Hartley handwriting program, and are finding success in this.
Well done UPH! Bring on Term 4.
Occupational Therapist: Julia Cassin
Upper Primary students have continued to build their social thinking skills in Term 3; exploring what it means to share their imaginations with each other and to use their flexible thinking! It has also been lovely to see students increase their handwriting capacity with the use of the Hartley Knows I can Print program. Hartley makes handwriting so much fun! Thanks for a great term UP!
Speech Therapist: Sinead O'Donnell
Upper Primary students have been working hard through the colder winter months of Term 3. We have been exploring Earth and Space as well as natural disasters from floods to fire to cyclones! Students are also strengthening their decoding skills to support reading comprehension and we have been able to celebrate some huge progress this term. Book Week was a fantastic occasion to highlight how books can provide opportunities for interactions, develop empathy, improve focus and concentration and expand our vocabulary. Nice work Upper Primary!
Rachel Morgan Maddison Byrne
Leading Teacher Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Engagement