School Notices

Brilliant Brains
The kids enjoyed some Jungle fun on Monday 8th August in Brilliant Brains. Today it is all about Dinosaurs.
DISA Athletics
The DISA Athletics (Primary only) is being held at The Mukinbudin Oval on Friday 9th September. Please ensure you have filled in the permission form Lunch Orders are due back by Friday 26th August.
The Premier's Reading Challenge
Well done to all of the students who are really upping their reading game! Lots of books are being read, which is fabulous to see. Mukinbudin DHS is participating in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. There are great prizes to win for the whole family as well as school-based individual and class prizes. The competition is for all students from K-10. It doesn’t matter if the child is reading by themselves, to you or if you are reading the book aloud. Reading and logging only 12 books before September qualifies you for the grand prizes.
Please register your child/children at and enter our school to help themselves and their class earn prizes.
The first school prize will be awarded at the assembly, to the class with the largest percentage of students registered.
Please contact Zoe Bolt,, if you have any questions or queries.
We have had a large supply of RATS provided to us and would like parents to please come and collect some from the front office when you get a chance.
Changes to Address/ Phone Number/ Medical Records
If you have a new address/ phone number or your childrens medical records have been updated, please ensure you let the school know. We need to have the most current records on file so that we can contact you in the event of an emergency. Please email the school with any updates.
Pirate Day- Friday 2nd September
Get your pirate costumes ready for Pirate Day on Friday 2nd September. This is a fabulous Fathers Day event and all of the kids love dressing up and having their Dads/ Granddads/ Mums come along in costume also. Please see the below ads for the Primary class events.