From the Principal
and key term dates
From the Principal
and key term dates
No school for students on this day.
Important Dates for Term 3
Monday 29th August -Thursday 1st September - Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd September - Father's Day Stall at lunch time
Thursday 8th September - School Council Approved Professional Learning Day (Student Free) Change of Date
Friday 9th September - Division Athletics
Monday 12th September - Chalambar Golf Tournament
Tuesday 13th August - School Council
Thursday 15th September - P-2 Sovereign Hill Excursion
Friday 16th September - Last day of Term 3 - 2:30pm dismissal
HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Student Birthdays
We would like to wish the following students a very happy birthday for the upcoming fortnight.
Kanika (3/4A)
Bryce (5/6B)
Kaiya (1/2A)
Chase (3/4B)
Josephine (3/4B)
Spencer (1/2A)
Parent Opinion Survey
The annual Parent Opinion Survey is now open for parents to complete. All parents are invited to provide feedback through the survey portal. These results are used, in conjunction with other school data, to look at what we are doing well and what modifications we can make in our school, teaching and learning and community involvement as we move into the 2023 school year.
School Pin : 983737
The survey is open until Friday 16th September.
Father's Day Stall and Raffle
This Thursday and Friday, our Parents and Friends will be holding their annual Father's Day Stall. Students are invited to bring a maximum of $10 to purchase something nice for their dad, grandpa or someone special in their lives. The stall will run at lunch time on these days.
This year, the Junior School Council will be selling raffle tickets at the stall too. JSC will be raffling off a $500 Melbourne Show Family Package, which includes entry, ride passes and show bags. Tickets will be $1 and all money raised will go to the ground art works.
From the Principal
It was wonderful to see so many students dressed up last Friday for Book Week. Thank you to Miss Mawby for coordinating the parade and some learning tasks in the classrooms.
I would like to congratulate the following students who have been selected to participate at the upcoming Division Athletics. We wish them all the best on the day and can't wait to hear about their achievements.
This week we have invited parents to attend our second round of Parent / Teacher interviews for the year. We have had a good take up of these interviews, however, if you have been unable to attend this week, and would still like an interview, please contact your child's classroom teacher to make a time.
I would like to thank all families who have been accessing and using XUNO.
Next Term, we will be opening up the excursions and payments section of the app for school and parent use. The aim is to have parents approve camps, update medical information and make payments via the app. We will still have some paper versions available at the office, if required.
If you are still having issues setting up the app, please bring in your phone or device and I will endeavor to assist.