Library News

Children’s Book Council of Australia Book Week Awards
This year’s winner of the CBCA Young Adult book of the year was Tiger Daughter by Rebecca Lim. With mature and challenging themes, this is a page-turning read about a young Chinese girl, from an immigrant family who struggle to adapt to their new life in Australia. Our very own MGSC Shadow Judges voted for this book as the winner as well – which is a testament to their ability to evaluate literature at a professional level.
The overall winner in the Shadow Judges Choice Awards was the book Sugar Town Queens by Malla Nunn - a family drama about poverty and racism in South Africa.
Our MGSC Shadow Judges placed this book in their top three, but due to an editorial error and unrealistic characterisation, they felt that Tiger Daughter was the superior book. The winning book, Tiger Daughter had contemporary and important themes; a fast paced plot and style of writing; flawed and yet likeable characters and was deemed to be the book most likely to ‘stand the test of time’.
Our judges were featared on the CBCA Book Week Shadower's Choice Awards video presentation.
MGSC Book Week
To launch Book Week this year the library held a Book-buy event for Staff on Monday at recess and lunchtime. Our teaching and support staff actively participated in the selection of books for the library and for themselves to read. This activity is a great way to promote a culture of reading and for our students to observe our staff modelling positive behaviours in order to foster a lifelong love of reading.
A Second Hand Book Swap was organized by students on Tuesday at lunchtime. We had about a dozen girls bring in their pre-loved books to swap with others and by all accounts, they were very happy with their ‘new reads’.
On Thursday, the inaugural Library Trivia Quiz took place at lunchtime, with just under seventy students competing for the chance to win prizes and have their team name immortalized on the Trivia Quiz Cup trophy. Master of Ceremonies Dylan Reeves, hosted the event with teams brainstorming and collaborating with each other to decide upon the correct answers.
One of the questions asked by our MC was – Who is the 31st Prime Minister of Australia and what is their party name? We received the following responses – Albo, Malcolm Turnbull, Scott Morrison, Tony Abbott, Arthur Guy. The correct answer is Anthony Albanese, Australian Labor Party. Needless to say, the staff had as much fun as the students and we all had our general knowledge skills sharpened.
A hearty congratulations to the teams that were ultimately victorious:
First prize went to The Shadow Judges and Friends with 43 points.
The runners-up were The Quizards of Oz with 39.5 points, followed very closely behind by The Brilliant Bookworms and The Onions with 39 points each.
During recess and lunchtime on Friday, we wrapped up Book Week with a craft activity – Butterfly Bookmarks – a combination of origami and creativity. The art of origami requires concentration and patience in order to ultimately create decorative figures. Once the paper butterflies were completed, students then decorated them with metallic and glitter pens with beautiful results.
Book Club
Term 3 Book Club is next week. The titles are One of us is lying and The fault in our stars. Still time to grab a copy and ready before the 8th September.
Megan Tulloch-Nasir
and the Library team