All school musical production

Good bye to The Addams Family. It was great knowing you.
View from the chorus
My Addams Family experience has been one of my favourite school experiences so far.
After six months of hard work, after school and Sunday rehearsals, the cast, crew and band put together an amazing, sold-out show! The week was incredibly busy; we started with a preview show for some teachers and their families on Sunday the 14th. On Monday the 15th was the understudies show performed to 150 year 5 and 6 students from Beaumaris Primary and then on Tuesday the 16th was opening night!! Even with a few challenges that were thrown at us during the week, including a fog machine mishaps, each show was outstanding and very successful.
As an ancestor (chorus member), I was in every show and feel incredibly lucky to have been able to be a part of The Addams family, I enjoyed every minute of each show. Despite the late nights, everyone brought plenty of energy each night and the audience provided us with an extra boost for us too. Saturday the 20th was our closing show, a very emotional end to one of the best weeks I (and everyone else) have had.
I, as I’m sure others feel too, have come out the other side of show week with a second family- it’s been so much fun getting to know others across year levels who share similar passions with you.
A special congratulations to the leads: Alizea, Ress, Vee, Isobel, Holly, Claudia, Jemmah, Alice, Bella and Lucy (cast 1); Immy, Mia, Maddie, Jordania, Tahlia, Scarlet, Tara, Kat, Maisy and Meggie (cast 2) and Alizea, B, Tabby, Felicity, Annika, Kemy, Layla, Maddy, Maisy and Niamh (understudies), for putting on amazing shows each night. And of course, to Ms Connolly, Mr Veevers, Ms Jacobs and all the other staff that helped out, thank you for helping us to put on our incredible show.
Holly S (Year 10)
View from the Backstage Crew
For the past three terms the cast and crew have been working hard to put together our MGSC production of the Addams Family, which we held in our lecture theatre just a couple of weeks ago. For the crew, our first rehearsals were spent making lists upon lists of props, set ideas, lighting and sound ideas, makeup ideas, costumes etc. We wanted to nail every detail to make sure that we truly encapsulated the spooky, eerie atmosphere of the Addams Family. Then, as term 3 was rapidly approaching, we started to get onto bringing these ideas to life. Props were made, costumes and make up were sorted, lights were programmed, sets were painted and we were having a lot of fun along the way, getting to know new people, being creative and singing along to the cast performing, backstage. Before we knew it, it was show time and whether up in the bio box, the spot box or backstage, the entire crew put in a huge effort to ensure all the shows were running smoothly. We faced a few challenges throughout but we got through them all and I think it’s safe to say, everyone did a fantastic job. Of course, we owe a lot of credit to the wonderful Ms Robertson, our crew manager, Ms Connolly, our amazing director and the true heart and soul of this production, and all of the other staff who dedicated so much of their time and effort to making this show amazing. It was so rewarding to be a part of and I can’t wait to be back at it again in 2024!
Maddy L (Year 8)
View from a Lead
I was absolutely thrilled when I got a callback for the role of Grandma in school production, I was even happier when I learned that I got the role. The whole experience has been so much fun and I have enjoyed every moment of it. From my funny, talented cast to the amazing, supportive teachers and director I enjoyed every moment of it. It was a great experience to work with talented students of all ages and to make so many new friends that I wouldn't have met otherwise. Everyone was very sad after the last show knowing that all the fun had come to the end but we were all so proud of how well we had done, showing up to rehearsals two or three times a week and all our hard work going into an amazing production that I will remember forever. We overcame difficulties during production week that included cast members performing in the National Aerobics competition, and adapted with leads from the alternate cast and understudies to produce an incredible show that we were all very honoured to perform in. Thanks to the amazing director and teachers that made it all happen, we had a successful show, sold out every night. Thank you so much for allowing me to have this amazing, fun experience that I will never forget.
Scarlet C (Year 8)
View from an Understudy
The Addams Family production was one of my favourite experiences during my time at this school. Being cast as an understudy and ancestor was such an incredible opportunity for me and as a result, six months later and lots of hard work later and I’ve come out of it with a second family.
School events like these are amazing ways to meet new people, and through all the afterschool and Sunday rehearsals, script run throughs, blocking, choreography runs, more blocking and crazy things we got up to, I’ve met some of the most important people in my life because of it. It was close, but we pulled through, battling slippery floors and walking through fog blindly, and ended up with a jam packed, exciting week with booked out shows every night. As well as a preview performance for the teachers on Sunday and the understudy show for year 5 and 6 students from Beaumaris Primary School on the Monday then came before opening night on Tuesday and two more exceptional shows from each cast, before closing night on Saturday 20th August.
A huge congratulations to each and every cast, chorus, crew and band member - you all did an awesome job, and I’m so honoured that I could share this journey with you. The fact I’m still reeling from the production finishing two weeks later just proves my point, and I’m sure I don't speak for myself when I say that both of the final shows for each cast were extremely emotional. To my fellow understudies, I wouldn’t have been able to do the Monday show without you. Maisy, Zea, Tabby, Layla, B, Felicity, Annika, Kemy and Niamh, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done, and I owe it all to you. As an ancestor, I also had the opportunity to be a featured dancer, and I enjoyed every second of it (except perhaps the moon dancing, but Sam, that was the costumes fault, not yours, and I’m only joking I loved dancing with a balloon with you).
A massive thank you needs to go out to all the staff who supported Addams. Ms Connolly - it's safe to say that without you, the show definitely wouldn’t have turned out the way it did, and thank you for everything that you allowed us to experience by giving us this opportunity, we couldn't have done it without your constant support. I’ll miss your vocal warm ups, especially the favourites; mayonnaise, and keep slaying. Mr Veevers - thank goodness we had you and the incredible band, because honestly I don't think we could’ve survived with show ready for much longer. Thank you for all the help you gave everyone, especially teaching us our songs, because we couldn't have done it without you. I’d also like to thank Ms Jacobs, who was a constant source of laughter and help throughout the course of the play, and any other staff members involved. I enjoyed every second I was in the Lecture theatre working on this outstanding show, and would do it all again in a heartbeat.
Maddy F