Principal's message

Dear MGSC community
As I write this I am observing that flowers are beginning to bloom across the school in recognition of the start of spring. The grounds are looking absolutely beautiful under the care of Tammy, our gardener. I firmly believe that a beautiful place or setting can influence wellbeing and positivity.
The performing arts have been very busy over the past fortnight. The Addams Family production finished its run over a week ago and I was very fortunate to be there to watch their final show. It has been an amazing endeavour and I want to thank the production team, headed by Jenny Connolly for providing this opportunity for our students. My thanks also to the Parents and Friends' Association for contributing items and managing refreshments at each of the performances.
In addition to this event, the music students have been very busy competing at the Victorian Schools Music Festival on the 18th and 19th of August where the students in the symphonic Band took out the Silver Award and the Year 8 Band took out the Bronze Award.
On Monday night we held the Winter Concert at the Alexander Theatre at Monash University, Clayton. 240 students performed on the evening for staff, students and families and it was very well attended. Thanks to all staff who volunteered to assist on the evening and of course, my appreciation goes to the Instrumental Music teachers Wendy Harvey, Sara-Louise Jacobs, Claire McGann, Blanka West, Peter Blick, Barbara Kerr, Sue Cook, David Seedsman, Alexandra Michaelova and Eric Ho who are all led by Tim Veevers, the Director of Performing Arts.
The Aerobics Teams attended the National Aerobics Competition on the Gold Coast and they did exceedingly well. I wish to thank the parents who supported their daughter’s by accompanying them up to the Gold Coast and to Tess Molina and her coaches who have been there for every training session and competition this year.
In the area of student leadership, voice and agency, we had two of our students participate in the Model United Nations Assembly. Alannah and Mahdis from year 9 were the delegates representing Ethiopia.They have taken out the Rotary 9820 Peace Shieldwhich is an amazing achievement. You will read about their achievements further in this newsletter.
I would also like to make mention of our new Librarian, Megan Tulloch-Nazir who has revitalised our library since she joined us this year. In particular, the Book Week activities were dynamic and interactive and I thank her for making the library such an engaging and welcoming place for every student and staff member. Libraries are often the hub of the school and reflect the love of learnning that we promote at MGSC.
Finally, we celebrated Wear It Purple Day last Friday which focuses on supporting young LGBTQIA+ people, and challenging societal attitudes to help shape a better world for us all to live in. At MGSC we value diversity and embrace differences. My thanks to the Wellbeing Team comprising of Fiona, Leona and Dani who did all the behind the scenes coordination of the day.
Kind regards
Linda Brown