Mr Lucio Cicchini
Mr Lucio Cicchini
Parents are reminded that a Week 9, Term 3 Progress Report will be available on SEQTA by Friday 16 September.
NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment completed by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in May each year. Questions assess content linked to the Australian Curriculum in English and Mathematics.
Sacred Heart College has received a hard copy of NAPLAN reports. These reports have been uploaded onto SEQTA for students and parents/caregivers to access. A hard copy of the NAPLAN report has also been mailed to you.
Along with other school reports, NAPLAN reports can be used to discuss student strengths and areas for improvement. NAPLAN results allow parents/caregivers and educators to see how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy over time – individually, as part of their school community, and against national standards. NAPLAN does not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance. Teachers will have the best insight into student’s educational progress.
Parents of students in Year 9 are reminded that there is a minimum required standard for literacy and numeracy to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) at the completion of Year 12. This is one of a number of requirements. This minimum required standard for literacy and numeracy can be achieved by obtaining a minimum Band 8 for NAPLAN or by achieving the minimum required standard in a subsequent Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA), which normally occurs in Years 10, 11 and 12.
Year 9 students who did not achieve Band 8 in the 2022 NAPLAN components will be required to complete the ONLA in Term 4 of 2022. This decision was made by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). Parents/caregivers of these will soon receive a detailed email.
For more information, please read NAPLAN Individual Student Reports - Frequently Asked Questions.
Affected students in Years 10 and 11 will complete the Numeracy OLNA during Periods 1 and 2 on Monday 12 September in English 1 and 2.
A reminder that Year 11 students who are currently studying ATAR courses will sit their Semester Two Examinations between Monday 7 November and Friday 18 November. The Examination Timetable will be finalised and published in the near future.
Parents are reminded that the Year 12 Semester Two Examinations (Mock/Trial WACE Examinations) will commence on Monday 3 October (Week 2 of the school holidays) and conclude on Friday 14 October (Week 1, Term 4). Year 12 students have already received a copy of the timetable.
Personalised examination timetables for the practical and written ATAR course examinations are now available. Students can now access their personalised examination timetables via SCSA's Student Portal (
Each student should also have received a hard copy of their practical WACE Examination Form from their subject teacher. Students should login to see their personal timetable to see if there has been a change in venue.
Students completing a practical WACE Examination at an external venue must ensure they do NOT wear their College uniform or any form of clothing that will identify them as a Sacred Heart College student.
In the event of illness or misadventure, students/parents/caregivers must complete a Sickness/Misadventure Application Form: ATAR Course Examinations 2022 and submit it to SCSA by 4:00pm on Tuesday 22 November, 2022.
Year 12 students and their parents are encouraged to read the Year 12 Student Information Handbook 2022 (Part 1) produced by SCSA. The Examination Handbook (Part 2) has recently been released.
Mr Lucio Cicchini
Deputy Principal - Curriculum