2022 STEM Aboriginal Learners Congress 

The Aboriginal Learners Congress is an exciting STEM event for Aboriginal students in Years 5 – 10. 


The STEM Aboriginal Learners Congress is an annual South Australian department initiative to engage and inspire the next generation of young Aboriginal scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians. The congress connects Aboriginal learners to STEM through a range of interactive and challenging STEM experiences designed to demonstrate that Aboriginal students are powerful STEM learners and lead thinkers. The STEM Congress aims to increase Aboriginal students’ engagement and achievement with STEM related subjects at school and also provide a broader understanding of future STEM career pathways. It is co- designed and facilitated by the Young STEM Thinkers of SA (YASTSA), STEM teachers, Aboriginal undergraduates, STEM/Industry experts and education leaders.


The conference was attended by three Year 6 students, Lacy, Amelia and Seth, accompanied by Sue Dunn and Jae Gillett. We listened to First Nations speakers’ experiences in their accomplishments in STEM areas and participated in activities to try and make fire in a traditional way; to build a bridge across 2 tables out of paper, spaghetti, string and tape and visited the Botanical Gardens to learn how the Kaurna people used trees and plants in everyday living.


Student Comments:


It was interesting trying to make a fire. We tried different lengths of sticks and both soft and hard wood. We got a little bit of smoke.
Lacy and Amelia


We had to collaborate to build a bridge between two tables that wouldn’t break when you put weight on it.


I like the Botanical Gardens and learning about how the Kaurna used the trees and plants in so many ways.


We liked listening to Jack Buckskin about how he made boomerangs and how they work.
Lacy and Amelia


We enjoyed the Welcome to Country which included Aboriginal dancing and playing the didgeridoo and using boomerangs as clapping sticks.
Seth, Lacy and Amelia