Pastoral Care Worker

"Be Kind,

for everyone

you meet

is fighting a

hard battle."

John Watson


Words to ponder over, it is so easy to be caught up in our own lives and then judge other people for what they say or do. What I have quickly learnt is there is normally a reason behind this. There is a possibility of a tough battle they are facing!


What I can say, tough battles are not easy. If you are going through a rough time, know that I am happy to listen. I am here on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Just a reminder about Shoe boxes, Can I please encourage you just to bring one item to help to fill a shoe box. As you have a chance to change one child’s life with a simple present and take away their hard battles for a few hours or minutes playing with the items in their shoe box.


Have a fabulous week!

These are just some ideas, if you can come up with cooler ideas that can fit in a shoe box go for it.



Neva Camac


Neva Camac
Neva Camac