School News

& Reminders

Nationally Consistent Data Collection Process for 2022


Information for Parents/Carers

Please contact Principal Sally Slattery if you have any questions.




If your child has any health/medical challenges please complete a Health Care Plan via your GP and provide a copy to the school ASAP, preferably to Lee in the front Office. These need to be updated each year and all medications must be kept in the front office, not in students school bags. Please make sure any previous years medication kept in the office has not expired/is out of date.

We are a ‘Nut Aware School’ – whilst we do not ‘ban’ nut or other allergen foods at our school, please be mindful if teachers communicate that there is a child with a severe allergy in your child’s class to provide alternatives if you can. Please check in with the teacher if you have any questions regarding this.


Thank you!