Principal's Message

“Inspiring and empowering members of our school community to achieve their full potential in an inclusive and supportive environment.” |
Return to onsite learning
It was great to see our Year 7, 10 & 11 students coming back onsite today. There were lots of happy students ready to return after nearly a three-month hiatus. Social connections are crucial for teenage development and being back at school will help students enhance their social and emotional skills by reconnecting with friends, peers, and staff.
To ensure a positive return students need to:
- Make sure they have the correct school uniform. This includes:
- All black/white socks (no logos)
- Black shoes (not boots)
- School jumper or jacket (no hoodies)
- Get back into regular sleeping habits. Teenagers need at least 8.5 hours of sleep. Electronics are a no-no after 10pm. Students will wake up refreshed and ready to learn.
- Have a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as some healthy snacks. An apple a day….
- Have all the required materials and equipment e.g. pencil case with pens, pencils, rulers
- Have a growth mind-set
- Be supportive, understanding and kind to others.
COVID-19 Vaccinations
On 8-10 October Fairhills High School hosted a pop-up vaccination hub for the Knox community. It was a great success with three times the expected amount of people who attended to get the jab.
The pop-up vaccination hub will return at the end of October for those people who received their first dose on 8-10 October - appointments must be booked. No walk-ins are available but there are plenty of other sites available across Melbourne.
Jackson Taylor member for Bayswater and a strong advocate for the school promoted the hub on his Facebook page and acknowledged the school via his newsletter.
He directly, thanked me but I was only a small cog in the wheel. Many staff were involved to make the hub happen. I thank them for going above and beyond the call of duty. A big thanks to Christ Presta (Facilities Co-ordinator) for liaising with the Department of Health and ensuring the gym was hub ready.
Capital Works
I am pleased to say that I will shortly be able to show you drawings (renders) and plans of the new builds at the school. My aim is for the next newsletter-fingers crossed! The new builds are the latest architectural designs and will be amazing learning spaces for our students. Construction will start in April 2022. This will cause some short-term discomfort e.g. Science building out of action but will be countered by flexible and modern learning spaces fit for our students.
As stated in prior newsletters the main work will be:
- Complete refurbish of the Science building with a Technology extension
- Music extension onto the Performing Arts Centre
- New lobby for the Performing Arts Centre
- Landscaping
Quality landscaping can make a very positive impact to a school environment. Please see the photos below as an example (not our design) of what effective landscaping can achieve.
Ian Van Schie