P&C Colour Fun Run!

Friday 10 December 2021



Dear Parent/Guardian,


We will be holding the School Fun Run’s Crazy Colour Day as the schools only fundraising event this year on 10 DECEMBER! We’re doing it to give the kids something fun to look forward to after a very unusual and tough year, while raising money for WINDANG PUBLIC SCHOOL.



What is a Crazy Colour Day?


Your kids are going to run around a course and be hit with a rainbow of colours! We’re hoping to boost school spirit while raising money to improve the learning experience for your kids. These days are incredibly fun for all involved and it will undoubtably be one of the most exciting school days of 2021. 


After a storm comes a rainbow!


It has been a challenging year for all communities, so it’s time to release some pressure and have some fun! Let’s get excited for our Crazy Colour Day, giving our kids their rainbow to look forward to!



Is it compliant?


YES! This is another reason we chose a Crazy Colour Day. We can run it while still following current social distance restrictions. We hope that by the time our event goes ahead you will all be welcomed into the school, however if restrictions are still in place we can hold our day!


Note: We will keep you updated leading up to the event, so please ensure you keep an eye out in all correspondence.


How Does My Child Fundraise?


Firstly, go to schoolfunrun.com.au and create a student profile page. Everything to do with your fundraising revolves around this page. 


This year we are only raising money online (meaning no cash) which is super easy, and you get to do it from the safety of your home. On top of raising more money, it’s also safer and simpler than doorknocking and you don’t have to worry about handling money. Plus, you can reach out to people all over the world!


Not in a position to donate? Just CREATE & SHARE!


We know some of our families simply cannot donate given the current climate, however we have chosen the Crazy Colour Day for a couple of reasons:


  1. All Children will be able to participate in the day, even if they don’t fundraise, and 
  2. You can help our school just by creating your profile and sharing your link… that’s right, without donating yourself, you will raise an average of $90 in just three donations, simply by consistently sharing your fundraising page to your friends and family!




Prizes MUST be ordered between the 3 DECEMBER and 7 DECEMBER Simply visit schoolfunrun.com.au to create / log into your Profile Page between these dates. Then click on the ‘CLAIM YOUR PRIZE’ button and follow the prompts. If you have any questions, please contact the School Fun-Run team on 1800 FUN RUN and they will gladly assist! 


We can’t wait for the Crazy Colour Day and we know your kids are going to love it! 


Thank you, good luck and happy fundraising!