Stage 2 Activities 

Stage 2 has had a busy return to school. The students were very excited to be back with their friends and teachers. We are focussing on lots of engaging English and Maths activities and plenty of time for sport and art.  



4F and 2/3 C are loving using the new Anita Chin "Maths Packs". We are lucky enough to be engaging in Professional Learning with Anita Chin, to provide engaging and innovative maths lessons to students. We have been using the packs to practise multiplication and division concepts and playing lots of dice games. We are all looking forward to the exciting times ahead for maths at WPS.


We are enjoying doing sport together and using physical activity as a brain break. Soccer and Oz tag are the sports we have been playing,  quick games of dodge ball and all in tip are favourites of all the students. Unfortunately the rain stopped us playing our first week of tennis but hopefully the weather is on our side this week.



This week students in 3-6 are taking part in Check in Assessments. The assessments are online reading and numeracy assessments designed to assist schools following the disruptions to schooling in 2020. The assessments cover similar aspects of literacy and numeracy as in NAPLAN reading and numeracy tests.


Miss Ferguson and Mrs Watt