
Interrelate - Respectful relationships counselling & support

Interrelate - Online Family Evening Program


As requested by families we have coordinated the online Family Evening Program to be delivered by Interrelate. There will be two sessions available for families and both sessions are optional. 


Interrelate has the acknowledgement of government and education authorities to provide relationship education in schools. They have been teaching sexuality and relationship education to young people and their parents for over 90 years and have a reputation for non-discriminatory and open teaching on sensitive issues. 


Thursday 18 November 2021 - All sessions are run via Zoom. More details to come on the meeting details. 


There will be no cost for families however interested parents need to  register below so we know how many families are attending.


Online Session 1: Where Did I Come From? 

Audience: Year 3 and 4 students and their parents/carers

Time: 6:00pm start

Duration: 60-minute 


Program focus:

● To help children aged 8-10 years gain an understanding of the structure and functions of the reproductive system in males and females.

● To provide information on conception (describing sexual intercourse, associated with love in the context of a caring relationship), foetal development and birth of a baby.

● To provide opportunities for parents and children to discuss various aspects of reproduction in an informal way.

● To reinforce the role of parents as a source of information on matters pertaining to sexuality and reproduction.


Note: Older students are encouraged to attend if they have not previously seen this program.


Online Session 2: Preparing For Puberty 

Audience: Year 5 and 6 students and their parents/carers

Time: 7:15pm start

Duration: 60-minute


Program focus:

● To provide information on puberty for 10-13 year olds, in relation to the physical changes and emotional changes (in particular, helping them feel comfortable about their bodies and its functions; preparing them for the changes during puberty and dispelling the myths and providing accurate, understandable information).

● To help young people feel okay about being different. Everyone develops at a different rate, especially during puberty.

● To confirm their individuality and promote self-esteem.

● To facilitate communication between parents and their children and encourage young people to take their questions, problems and concerns to their parents.


Note: Younger students are welcome to attend at the discretion of their parents/carers.