Sports Blog

Sport is back on the menu!


So excited to be able to offer our students a variety of sporting opportunities again. Here's what's happening this term:


Optima Soccer

We are so lucky to have Daniell and Hayden from Optima Soccer join us for the remainder of the term to provide our K-2 students with engaging and fun soccer lessons. Students began last Friday and the rain did not stop them from having a blast! This is a school funded activity that the students and teachers thoroughly enjoy. Check out the photos below!


Soccer World Cup

It is back! This year, the Soccer World Cup will be run by Daniell and Hayden, who have generously offered their expertise in this area and we are extremely grateful.


K-2 students will compete in a round robin style of games on Friday 26 November.

3-6 students will compete in a full day of exciting soccer matches on Thursday 25 November. This is something the students and teachers are looking forward to. The winning team will be awarded the annual World Cup trophy!



Students in 3-6 will have the opportunity to participate in professional tennis coaching for sport this term. Students will walk to Windang Tennis Club on Fridays for a 45 minute lesson. Tom and his team are very happy to be able to engage with the students again and it was a shame we had to miss out first lesson due to the weather. However, this lesson will be made up on another day. Please make sure you have returned your signed permission note and money so your child does not miss out.


NRL After School Program

Another exciting opportunity for all our students is the NRL League Stars program that will run at our school on a Tuesday afternoon. This is a school funded program, so it is free to our families. Students will have NRL coaches provide them with one hour training each Tuesday after school. The program will run for 6 weeks, starting Tuesday 9 November. All students that handed in a permission note will receive a flyer (pictured) which will have date and times. You will also need to register your child on LEAGUESTARS.COM to play and receive your free pack. What a sensational opportunity!


SEA Australia  

As the weather warms up and we all start heading back to the beach, it is important that our children are surf aware and safe at the beach. That is why we are offering all students in 3-6 the opportunity to become surf aware. 


The school surf education program will deliver the most comprehensive and up to date surf safety knowledge, including vital rip education. 


The program includes hands on practical surf instruction on the beach. Permission note will be sent home this week. 


We believe the knowledge and skills developed through this program are vital for our students therefore it is expected that all students Year 3 to Year 6 will attend. 


Further details at: SEA Australia | Surf Education and Surf Skills


Photos from 2020 SEA Surf Awareness Excursion!  - Lots of fun & memories created. 


Keep on sporting Windang!

Mrs Blanch