Primary Campus Term 3 Awards 

End of Term Assembly  

Award Winners


Learner of the Term

Prep A -  Charlotte S -for making a great effort to put 100% effort into each learning task and share her knowledge of reading during Zoom classes.

Prep B - Bella Q -For making a great effort to attend all her ZOOM sessions and working hard on blending sounds

Prep C - Nestora M -For making a great effort to consistently complete all remote learning tasks to a high standard.


Citizenship Award for each Value

Learning -  Ali K

Respect - Aleen A

Teamwork - Elisa V

Leadership - Harbir S





Learner of the Term

1A - Jackson W -for making a great effort in improving his reading and writing skills and working like a superstar!! Excellent effort!!  

1B - Aubrey W - for making a great effort in attending all her ZOOM sessions and being a Lakes Legend by learning her magic words. Awesome work Aubrey!  




Citizenship Award for each Value

Learning -  Alexis T

Respect - Elise S

Teamwork - Mason G

Leadership - Fateh S




Learner of the Term

2A - Aleen J – For making a great effort in applying herself during remote learning by completing tasks to a very good standard and including detail.

2B - Marley F - For making a great effort to apply herself consistently during remote learning to complete tasks to a high standard daily.

2C - Tilla T - For making a great effort to consistently complete all remote learning tasks to a high standard.


Citizenship Award for each Value

Leadership - Kathy N

Respect - Mannat K

Teamwork - Miah M

Learning - Kayden C




Learner of the term

3A – Samira B - for making a great effort to actively participate in Zoom sessions and posting all of her learning tasks. 

3B – Roy K - for making a great effort to actively participate in Zoom sessions, post all of his learning tasks.

3C – Phoenix T - for making a great effort in completing all tasks throughout remote learning.


Citizenship Award for each Value

Learning – Selena G

Respect – Maddie RJ

Teamwork – Hayley J

Leadership – Monica J




Learner of the term

4A - Selina W – For making a great effort in applying herself during remote learning by completing tasks to a very good standard and including detail.

4B - Noah B - For consistently completing his work and showing his perseverance during the challenges of remote learning.

4C - Hiya D – for making a great effort to show persistence and complete all tasks when home learning activities are challenging.


Citizenship Award for each Value

Learning - Kobi E

Respect - Aarav P

Teamwork - Olivia V

Leadership -  Zak J 





Learner of the term

5A – Shaan G - for making a great effort in his participation and high standard of work during Home Learning.

5B – Mia A - for making a great effort to stay motivated and post work of a high standard during Home Learning.

5C -  Riania K - for making a great effort to actively participate in Zoom sessions, post all of her learning tasks and ask clarifying questions. 



Citizenship Award for each Value

Learning – Tania J

Respect -  Pauli M

Teamwork - Xavier D

Leadership - Mira Z




Learner of the term

6A –  Evie N - for her consistent upbeat attitude in Zoom meetings and for asking questions to improve her work.

6B –  Abbie Q - for making a great effort to ensure she has completed each task to a good standard.

6C - Jeremy S - for making a great effort to continue to build on his learning in English and Mathematics.




Citizenship Award for each Value

Learning – Anita D

Respect -  Isaac T

Teamwork - Krisha R

Leadership -  Vignesh S