From the Principal Team

Welcome to the last day of Term 3, in what was supposed to be a “sharp, snap lockdown”.
I will begin by congratulating everyone on their tremendous efforts. It has been a very tricky and difficult lockdown for many of us, so I cannot thank you enough on how you have presented yourselves as teachers, learners, colleagues, parents / carers, coaches, mentors and supports to so many people who rely on you for positivity, advice, care and compassion. Though we have been separated, we have undoubtedly become closer in our commitment to students, each other and the school. My communications with staff tell me that bonds between people are so much stronger today than before all this began.. The level of efficacy between staff and belief in each other is clear and vibrant. In hindsight, the staff conference was so valuable on so many levels and even at that point, most of us had no idea that we would be working remotely for so much of the year?
Most of our students have engaged and succeed in learning this term which is a credit to you all. Many of the student outcomes have been extraordinary and I plead with you to share the joy with the members of the school community. Our Inspire Magazine is perfect evidence of student achievement over this journey. It covers so many elements to learning and demonstrates that students can be successfully challenged to achieve in so many settings and disciplines. Please check it out and send a staff member or two your congratulations. In doing so, thank you to Kitty for her excellent desk top publishing once again and to the team of teachers who put this edition together. The magazine could not have come at a better time as we manage through this period.
On behalf of our Leadership team and all of our staff, a huge thank you to our ES and aids teams. Their front office demeanour and organisation of the onsite students and staff, plus maintaining communications has been wonderful. The team is accommodating, flexible and unassuming. They just get on with the jobs and get them done well. Their level of support and leadership in our community has continued to be outstanding. I cannot single anyone out because they are all superb.
Congratulations to all of our Lakes students and families and a huge shout out to all the Learner of the Term Award (Primary) and Encouragement Award (Secondary) winners in Term 3.
Please take the time to reinforce the importance of connecting to classes once term 4 begins on Monday, October 4 with your children.
We would like to wish Amanda S well as she begins her family leave. Amanda S would have loved to see her students so she will come and check in on them when that is possible. Matt H our instrumental music teacher has resigned to pursue new opportunities. Matt is a quiet achiever who formed a crucial bond with our performing arts team over many years and was part of many school performances and productions. In term 4, we will welcome the experienced Amanda A and Claire S to the Year 5 team.
Stay safe!
Bill on behalf of the Leadership Team
Kerrie, Marcus, Bonnie & Gemma.