Jeremy Mackinnon

Assistant Principal

Dear Parents and Students,


With so many student-led events, we have certainly hit the ground running in Term 3. This year we have seen the inaugural Corkill Cup, where houses compete for the prodigious honour. The competition includes events such as spelling bees, amazing races and 3-legged races to name a few. This term has also seen dodgeball competitions, chess club tournaments, and many other events. In addition to the student-led events, we have also had many Olympiads and ICAS competitions and, of course, course counseling. It is so pleasing to see so many of our students take up these and many other opportunities, and I encourage this ‘give it a go’ attitude to continue through to the end of the year… including in the lead-up and to exams. Our students, who have a high cognitive load, must be encouraged to pursue other interests and activities. 


We recently had Parent-Teach-Student Conference in which teachers provided feedback on each student’s progress. I would also like to again refer to a fantastic school resource JMSS Pro Tips. This website is a school resource that JMSS staff have built to enable students to be their best academically. I would like to particularly draw your attention to the Strategies for Success page, which has fantastic resources from sleep habits to study habits!


Term 3 is always very exciting, as it’s the term when students nominate for a 2024 leadership position. We have many positions available, which students have been informed of. Applications close on 18th August. I wish all students the best in the selection process.


Jeremy Mackinnon

Assistant Principal

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