School Calendar

Term Three
Monday 10th July
- Students return to school
Tuesday 25th July
- 100 days of School for Foundation/Year One
Friday 28th July
- 2.30 pm Assembly Year 5/6
Tuesday 1st August
- Fr Adi visit to Sacred Heart School to meet students and staff.
Tuesday 8th August
- St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop Feast Day
Friday 11th August
- 2.30 pm Assembly Year 2/3/4
Friday 18th August
- Sacred Heart School celebrates 60 years.
Monday 21st August
- Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 22nd - Wednesday 23rd August
- Book week
- Book Fair
- Story night
Friday 25th August
- School Photos
Friday 1st September
- Father's Day Celebration at school. More details to come.
Sunday 3rd September
- Father's Day
Friday 8th September
- 2.30 pm Assembly F/1
- Paint and Mingle - Corryong Hotel Motel @ 7pm
Friday 15th September
- Last day of term 3
More dates to come.