Principal's Report 

Zoe Harlow











Welcome to Term 3! 


We have an action packed, exciting term ahead full of outstanding learning and lots of highlights including:

  • Shine Performing Arts Festival
  • NAIDOC Week Celebrations
  • A new signature event – Tally Way Community Day.  This is a wellbeing focused whole-school event that parents and carers are invited to attend.  The day will include Morning Moves (fun, light physical activity), a free wellbeing workshop for parents and carers run by a guest presenter (Petris Lapis), a whole-school picnic with live music and wellbeing activities.  Details of this event have been shared with parents and carers on ClassDojo and we are looking forward to sharing this day with as many of our families as possible.   
  • the grand opening of our new outdoor learning space that showcases Indigenous plants with a range of uses. This is a significant event in the history of our school.
  • P&C Trivia Night for parents, carers and staff – A 90s themed evening of school community fun
  • Book Week - Book Character Costume Day and Book Fair


Awards Ceremony


This week, we held our awards ceremony for Semester 1 student recognition Years 3 - 6.  We celebrated students for exceptionally high levels of effort and achievement and the number of students was very impressive.  We appreciated the parents, carers and family members who attended to celebrate with us.  The atmosphere of the event was one of joyful celebration and reflects our supportive school culture in which learning and effort are valued.


Congratulations to all students who received an award.  Thank you to Team Tally for their expertise, care and dedication and parents and carers for partnering with us to support our students!



The Tally Way


The Tally Way has become synonymous with all things good and is now heard throughout our community as well as our school.  As you are able to read regularly in our newsletters, The Tally Way is our whole school program that supports wellbeing and positive behaviour. Through this program, we teach skills such as persistence, resilience and a focus on a growth mindset.  Our lessons are taught from Prep to Year 6 and students are offered ongoing opportunities to apply what they learn through this program and positive feedback.  Our new event (mentioned above) will be a wonderful opportunity to apply and celebrate the Tally Way together.



Major Facilities Upgrade – Community Notice


This year, we are undertaking a major facilities upgrade.  A stunning new two-storey building including 8 classrooms, break-out teaching spaces and two new undercover areas will replace four of our modular buildings.  This project will also encompass the replacement of one of our playgrounds and undercover areas with the new play space overlooking our Senior oval and the mountains.


This is a large-scale project that is anticipated to conclude during the end of year holidays.


The project will involve Asbestos removal on days that students are not at school and we advise that site signage must be observed and our school not accessed under any circumstances when Asbestos removal is scheduled.  Asbestos removal is planned for 5 – 6 August and during the first week of the school holidays (9 – 17 December).  These and other protocols are in place to ensure safety.


Our school families will be provided with additional details of this project, interim implications, timeline etc. via ClassDojo.



Progress Interviews


Progress interviews are an important part of our partnership between home and school and all parents and carers are encouraged to attend to stay informed.  Information regarding the online booking system for progress interviews has been emailed to parents and carers.  Interviews will occur in year level hubs over two evenings and a map showing the location of these hubs has been posted on ClassDojo.



Book Character Costume Day


Team Tally are involved in top secret planning to surprise our students with our costumes and decorations again this year.  Making children smile and sparking their love of reading makes us very happy.


Book Character Costume Day is scheduled for Tuesday, 15 August.  Children are encouraged to dress in costume as their favourite book character and are asked to bring the book with them on the day (if they have it). Costumes need to be sun safe like the school uniform (e.g. no midriff shirts) and closed in shoes are required.



Staffing Update

  • Our beloved Nutana Donaldson has moved to Elanora State High School.  We are sad to see Nutana leave but 100% support her career aspiration for this next professional challenge.  We have absolutely loved having Nutana as part of our team and thank her for making a positive difference in the lives of so many children!  Belinda Walton has commenced as the teacher of 5 Red.
  • Congratulations to Sarah Saye on becoming a permanent member of Team Tally.




Chappy Steph joined our team this year and continues the long history of Chaplaincy as a wellbeing support in our school.  Here’s some information about Chaplaincy at our school.

Zoe Harlow
