Junior School
Prep BW 1/2PB 1/2NP
Junior School
Prep BW 1/2PB 1/2NP
Hello families,
We have had a very fun few weeks in the Prep room.
We have been focusing on letter sound revision and blending letters together, in numeracy we have been focusing on counting on and counting back when adding or subtracting and we have been learning to skip count by 2’s. We have been looking at patterns in numbers and this has really helped the preps begin to understand numbers further! In inquiry we are learning all about the Earth, discovering what we all know and what we can continue to learn about our world around us. The children this month have really settled into our new routine and I am incredibly proud of the effort and positivity every student has towards school and our class. Well done prep AA!
Superhero Day Against Bullying
Myself and the preps signed a pledge against bullying on a cape and we have this in our room to remind us about being kind and caring people in and out of Officer Primary School. We all enjoyed making masks together and celebrating with the rest of the school.
National Science Week
The students have been interested in rain and how rain is formed, our students enjoyed a rain experiment that helps them to see how rain passes through clouds and lands on us! They had so much fun doing this and it is the first of many more science-based activities that will take place in the foundation room.
Diaries and readers
Just a big reminder with our diaries and readers that we are reading to the children first thing in the morning every single day to strengthen reading skills moving into year one next year. We are also attaching any big news into our diaries on a Friday for you all to be aware off! (Important dates, sounds of the week etc.)
This is all for now, hoping you all have a lovely weekend!
-Miss A, Mrs. Ing and Shannon!
We have had a busy couple of weeks with lots going on.
When reading students have been answering questions about the text and analysing what they have read. They have been writing part of the questions in their answers to make
complete sentences. Our writing groups have been a hit with students writing narratives about rollercoasters - some groups concentrated on the structure of a narrative, others on excellent word choice and using paragraphs. This week they have started learning about persuasive writing, the language used and the structure of an opinion piece.
In maths groups we finished our multiplication. We then moved on to measurement. Some students have been measuring using informal units while others have used formal units. They have also found the perimeter and area of standard shapes. This week students have made shape monsters and used nets to make 3D shapes.
Students have been learning about space, the order of the planets, meteors and
orbits. They have made beautiful stars, paper mache planets (a work in progress) and themselves as astronauts.
Last week students learnt about and discussed bullying - what it is, what we can do about it and how we can stop it. We did activities and read about bullying every day. On Friday we had the National
Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence Superhero Dress Up. We pledged to refuse to bully others, refuse to watch, laugh or join in when someone is being bullied, tell an adult and help those who are being bullied. All of the people in the 1/2 grades signed a cape and made a mask.
This week was Book Week. Each day we enjoyed a story read by a staff member and did some Book Week activities. On Friday we dressed up as book characters and had a parade.
Whew! That's a lot!