Principal's Desk

From Mr Mati Azadzoi

Dear Parent/Guardian/Carer/Staff,


Congratulations to all of our award recipients for Week 7 and Week 8. A marvellous achievement for our students who received a 'Student of the Week' or 'Specialist' award. A big congratulations to Ava M who received the 'Aussie of the Month' award. Well done!


This Term has been very exciting with lots of activities that our students have participated in. Please see below summaries of key achievements and events that have occurred. 



New Specialist Teacher-Ms ASHLEE MCMAHON


Officer Primary School would like to welcome our new specialist teacher, Ms Ashlee McMahon. Ms McMahon brings along extensive experience having most recently having worked at Childcare/Kinder settings. We look forward to her starting this Term to cover Digital Technology/Visual Arts for the remainder of the year.





Our whole school NAPLAN results have been released including a comparison against 'similar' and 'network' schools. We are very proud to say that in Year 3 our students have performed exceptionally well and above 'similar' and 'network' schools. Our Grade 5 students have also achieved very good results in Reading and Writing. Thank you to all staff and students for your amazing work. All families should have received their personal NAPLAN cards sent via mail.









Attitude to School Survey Results 2023


Every year students across Grade 3 to 6 complete a survey called  'Attitude to School Survey' (AtoSS). The AtoSS is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of their school. We are very proud to share with you our results based on student responses for 2023. I would like to thank our wonderful staff (including teachers, ES staff and volunteers) along with our community for supporting us to achieve these results. Our 'managing bullying' data is very impressive too!



Effective Teaching Time-93%

Differentiated Learning challenge-97%

Stimulated Learning-93%

Effective Classroom Behaviour-92%



High-Expectations for success-98%


Teacher Concern-86%



Learning confidence (Sense of confidence)-88%


Motivation and interest-91%

Self-regulation and goal setting-93%

Attitudes to attendance-93%



School connectedness (Sense of connectedness)-93%

Student voice and agency-89%

Sense of inclusion-95%



Advocate at school-98%

Managing Bullying-95%

Respect for Diversity-89%


OPS has talent

Our SRC students have been busily organising our ‘OPS has Talent’ performance which is scheduled for Monday 4th of September. We have lots of acts that involve singing, dancing, comedy, sharing artwork and other special talents. This is the first time our school has had this type of event and our students are very excited to be apart of it. We will be sharing footage of the performances online via our school Facebook page so that our community is involved.



We are now accepting payments for our Swimming Program in Term 4. We will require full payment and permission forms to be returned to the office by Friday 20th October. More details regarding swimming lesson times will be distributed early next term. Please contact the school if you have any questions.


Super Hero Day (National Day Against Bullying)

Our school participated in the National Day Against Bullying. It was awesome to see students sign their classroom pledges and sign on their class capes showing a commitment to stand against bullies/bullying. Thank you to all students for dressing upon in your amazing super-hero costumes.


Book Week Parade

What an amazing morning/day we had with our Book Week events. All of our students attended school in fantastic book-themed costumes. It was lovely to see each teacher rotate each day of the week and read a book to the whole-school. Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended in the morning. Harry Potter was impressed by everyone's efforts!!


Father's Day Breakfast

Our school staff have arranged for our father's and/or special persons breakfast held in the centenary garden from 8.00 am on Friday 1st September. We expect as many dad's/special persons to be there. Don't miss out!


Curriculum day


A reminder that Friday 15th September is 'curriculum day'. No classes will be running on this day. Our school staff will be engaging in Numeracy Professional Development.


Upcoming Excursions

Just a reminder that if you have not yet submitted your child's excursion forms for MoPa/ArtVo please do so asap. Contact the office is you need a new consent form.



Healthy Harold

Our students participated in some very informative educational sessions led by Healthy Harold a few weeks ago. Students across all year levels engaged in information sessions relating to different topical issues facing students in their age-groups. Topics such as; Cyber bulling, Wellbeing, Regulations and General Safety was covered. All students made a commitment at the end of the day with a specific goal.


Thank you PFA!


A special thanks to our PFA Team for leading our Father's day stall. We appreciate all the work that you do for our school. All of our students were very kindly supported to purchase their special gifts.





September Staff Birthdays: 





September Student Birthdays:


00 Rylan B

00 Archer O

00 Zack B

12 Chloe A

34 Hudson V

34 Rachel P

56 Kayden R

56 Jordan O

56 Sarah P