Last Friday the WHC First Nations student group went to the You Yangs for a team building excursion. We completed the East- West walk and visited the Bunjil (Creator of South-Eastern Australia) sculpture. The students walked a fair distance and did so with smiles, laughs and positive attitudes. Below is an interview about the excursion with Archie and John of year 8. 


Why did we go to the You Yangs?

Archie: Because we are all Indigenous students and we learned things about our culture.

John: We are Indigenous and we went to have fun and learn a few things about our culture we didn’t know before.

What did we do at the You Yangs?

Archie and John : First we walked a few of the tracks and west passed Bunjil (Creator of the South-Eastern Australia) and went back to where we started and played capture the emu eggs and hide and seek.

What was your favourite part of the You Yangs excursion? 

Archie and John: hanging out with friends, seeing the land marks and playing some games.

How do you feel about our First Nations student group? 

Archie: I feel really good about the people I’m in the group with. 

John: I really enjoy it and we get to do fun activities with each other. 

Canteen orders

A reminder that the Canteen will be ORDER ONLY for all main food items, such as salad rolls, sausage rolls, schnitzel burgers etc. The first 10 minutes of recess and lunch will be allocated to collection of food orders only. The canteen will then be open for any additional purchases of drinks, snack items, yogurts, sugar-free icy poles, sorbet etc.  


Canteen Menu Term 3

Lids4Kids - Canteen Collection

Our Canteen is collecting lids and bread tags for the program Lids4Kids. The program aims to create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious school through recycling. You can read more about the non-for-profit project on their website. If you have any lids or bread tags similar to the ones pictured please hand them in to our friendly canteen staff. 


The canteen would like to say a special shout out to Daniel Walsh from Year 12. Daniel dropped in a bag of plastic lids for them as part of their recycle program. The Canteen have given him a canteen voucher as a token of th appreciation. 

BOOK WEEK  21 – 25 AUGUST … Lots happening in our Library. 

Manga colouring, Marvel quiz, Cluedo & Scavenger Hunt, craft, fancy dress, prizes and much more

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