Ph: 03 5277 1177
(OPTION 1) * - Attn: Sonia Raschilla
A reminder to parents when calling the absence line the
following information is required:
· Parent /Carer name
· Student name
· Reason: please give detail of absence
· Phone number
· Date of absence
* Please also use this when calling regarding absent text messages received
If your child is going to be absent from school, you must report the absence as soon as possible. Below are your options:
1. Enter the absence on your Compass parent portal
2. Message the school SMS line (0418 377 845) please include the student's name, year level, date of absence and reason
3. Leave a message on the school attendance line or alternatively call through to the office, for the absence to be entered on the spot. If the absence is not reported, you will receive an automated message at 10am the morning of the absence, then followed with a follow up message for you to explain the absence.
Thank you to the parents who are already doing this.
Learning Community Leaders:
- Year 7: Marli McCarthy
- Year 8: Ben Cook
- Year 9: Lucas Wintels
- Year 10: Roger Conron
- Year 11: Claire Sullivan
- Year 12: Brett Bullock
- Year 7-9 Leader: Ruwani Keyburn
- Year 10-12 Leader: Lauren Marino