NHS & Community Events and News

Art for Impact
Casey Youth Portrait Competition
The environment and climate change have been identified as key areas of interest for young people in Casey. We have created a “creative” opportunity for young people to lead the discussion around climate change and local environment issues, through the Art for Impact: Casey Youth Portrait Competition.
Go in the draw to win a $500 EFTPOS voucher and create your own solo exhibition at Bunjil Place!
The City of Casey is calling on creative young people aged between 16-25 years with a passion for the environment, technology and innovation to help us share the story of the Circular Casey initiative and enter the Art for Impact: Circular Casey Youth Portrait Competition.
The winner of the Art for Impact: Circular Casey Youth Portrait Competition will receive a $500 EFTPOS voucher and will be invited to curate a portrait exhibition* of our Circular Casey environment heroes during the Innovation Festival in November 2023.
*The City of Casey will support and fund the curation of the exhibition, and the winner will be invited to curate portraits of our seven Circular Casey living lab partners.
Completed portraits and their stories will be exhibited during the Innovation Festival in November at Bunjil Place!
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Parents of Nossal High School Students - Facebook Community
Join our Facebook Community for parents using this link - https://www.facebook.com/groups/nossalparents.
This is a private group specifically designed for parents to share information and discuss ideas. You will find topics and discussions that are relevant to Parents of NHS students as well as announcements about what is happening within our school community.
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